Archive of stories published by jasonsherman

This Philadelphia school replaced textbooks with iPads

Teachers at Philadelphia Performing Arts: A String Theory Charter School create custom learning materials with iPad, iTunes U, and iBooks Author. As the city’s largest tuition-free K–12 charter school, they implement STEAM curriculum…

Tech Startup Vocabulary 101 For Real

TechCrunch posted an article two days ago called How To Speak Startup. It seems as if a lot of people were counting on the article to have actual answers to what these terms mean in the world of tech startups. Well since I am an active CEO in a tech startup, and I…

What it’s Like to Date the CEO of a Tech Startup

Let me start by saying that being the CEO of a tech startup is similar to being the parent of a child. As the CEO, your job is to nurture your baby, make sure it has everything it needs to grow, and help it succeed overall. This means that your…

These were the top 10 stories published by jasonsherman; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Real stories and news from a serial entrepreneur
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