Top 10 Advanced JavaScript Courses for Experienced Developers in 2024

Want to master JavaScript in 2024? Here are the best advanced JavaScript online courses to learn JavaScript in depth

12 min readAug 29, 2022


10 Best Online Courses to Learn JavaScript in Depth
image_credit — ZTM

Hello guys, JavaScript is one of the most powerful programming languages and if you want to learn JavaScript then now is the best time. If you are looking for the best and advanced JavaScript courses then you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared free JavaScript courses and in this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn JavaScript in 2024. I have compiled this list by collecting a lot of recommended JavaScript courses from online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, Pluralsight, Educative, CodeCademy, edX, Udacity, and others.

This is a decent collection of different types of JavaScript courses from different platforms. While you don’t need to join all these courses, joining one or two will be enough.

You can also watch previews of these courses to see which one fits you. Connecting to the instructor is the most important thing, if you like the instructor’s voice, tone, or style of explanation, you won’t learn even if the content is very good.

On the other hand, a good instructor can make not-so-great content into a better one. That’s why I put the most emphasis on the instructor course and author of the book when I choose them.

If you are thinking if learning JavaScript is worth it or not, let me tell you that JavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer — and with these courses, you make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know as a JavaScript developer.

You won’t regret your decision of learning JavaScript because this is the only programming language that has got decent frameworks and tools to create both the frontend and backend parts of your application.

While Python can also be used for full-stack development and Java is also a great server-side language but when it comes to the frontend, there is no match of JavaScript frameworks like React.js, Angular, and Vue.js. That’s why learning JavaScript means killing two birds with one stone, you can do both frontend and backend using JavaScript.

If you want to become a web developer in 2024, my only advice to you is to learn JavaScript and learn it well. At the core of developing any web application is a thorough knowledge of JavaScript.

While frameworks are important, you won’t be able to use them with confidence if you don’t know JavaScript well, particularly new enhancements made in ES5/ES6 and other more recent versions.

Btw, if you are in hurry and just want to join one JavaScript course, I highly recommend you to join Jonas’ Schemedmann’s The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects! course on Udemy, you won’t regret it. It’s also my personal favorite.

best Udemy course to learn JavaScript

10 Best JavaScript Online Training Courses for Experienced Developers in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is the list of best online courses to learn JavaScript from Udemy, Coursera, Pluralsight, Educative, edX, Frontend Masters, and CodeCademy. These courses have been created by experts and trusted by millions of developers worldwide.

They are really great courses and I have chosen courses for beginners and experienced JavaScript developers to learn JavaScript in depth. They are also the most hands-on, project-based, and interactive courses you will find on the internet to learn JavaScript. If you are serious about mastering JavaScript in 2024, pick one of two courses from this list and go for it.

1. JavaScript — The Complete Guide 2024 (Beginner + Advanced)

This is the most comprehensive and modern course you can find on JavaScript — it’s based on all my JavaScript knowledge AND teaching experience. It’s both a complete guide, starting with the core basics of the language, as well as an extensive reference to the JavaScript language and environment, ensuring that both newcomers, as well as experienced JavaScript developers, get a lot out of this course!

It’s a huge course because it’s packed with important knowledge and helpful content. From the core basics, over advanced concepts, and JavaScript specialties, all the way up to expert topics like performance optimization and testing — this course has it all.

In short, Modern JavaScript from the beginning — all the way up to JavaScript expert is the best Udemy course to learn JavaScript and the must-have JavaScript resource for any aspiring web developer.

Here is the link to join this courseJavaScript — The Complete Guide 2024 (Beginner + Advanced)

best JavaScript course on Udemy

2. Advanced JavaScript Concepts [Best JavaScript Course for Experienced]

This is another great JavaScript course from Udemy and from another great instructor Andrei Neagoie. I first come across Andrei when I saw his Python course and I was totally impressed with the content and his style of teaching.

He also structures his courses really well which makes the learning fun and you can also enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.

This is an advanced level course and suitable for intermediate and experienced JavaScript developers as you will learn modern advanced JavaScript practices like Higher Order Functions and things like call(), apply(), bind() and be in the top 10% of JavaScript developers.

Talking about social proof this course has on average 4.8 ratings from 6,010 participants and more than 32,559 students have joined this course which speaks a lot about the quality of this course.

Here is the link to join this courseAdvanced JavaScript Concepts

Btw, you would need a ZTM membership to watch this course which costs around $39 per month but also provides access to many super engaging and useful courses like this Python course and this JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio course. You can also use my code FRIENDS10 to get a 10% discount on any subscription you choose.

3. The Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects!

This is another JavaScript course from Udemy which I held in high regard. This course is created by Jonas Schmedtmann, one of the best Udemy instructors for learning web technologies like HTML, CSS, Web design, and JavaScript and this course is his master price. In this course, you will learn JavaScript by actually developing real-world projects.

It’s also one of the highest-rated Udemy JavaScript courses and full of Projects, challenges, quizzes, JavaScript ES6+, OOP, AJAX, Webpack, and everything else you need to master JavaScript from scratch to depth.

Jonas explains the core concepts in JavaScript in much more depth than are usually glossed over in other courses. And he does it in a manner that is clear and concise. If you can get just one JavaScript course, I recommend getting this one. If you like project-based learning then you will love this course.

Here is the link to join this courseThe Complete JavaScript Course 2024: Build Real Projects!

best Udemy course to learn JavaScript

4. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers [Coursera Best Course]

This is the best web development course from Coursera and also a very good one to learn JavaScript in detail. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS.

You will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that their components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on the mobile phone as on a desktop computer.

Here is the link to join this course HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers

best JavaScript course on Coursera

By the way, when it comes to joining this course, you have two options, you can either join this course alone which costs around $39 per month for specialization, you can also join Coursera Plus for $399 per year, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

5. JavaScript Fundamentals By Mark Zamoyta [Best Pluralsight Course]

Learn everything you need to know to produce production-quality web applications and web page features with this foundational course on JavaScript.

In this course, JavaScript Fundamentals, you’ll learn everything you need to know to produce production-quality web applications and web page features. First, you’ll learn how to set up a development environment that will make you highly productive in writing JavaScript.

Next, you’ll learn all the JavaScript language features needed to create professional applications. Finally, you’ll see a sample web application created to manage a fleet of self-driving cars. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a fundamental knowledge of the JavaScript language.

Here is the link to join this courseJavaScript Fundamental

6. Modern JavaScript From The Beginning [Best Beginner JavaScript Course]

When it comes to learning JavaScript, Brad Traversy is one of the best instructors you can get. I have watched his YouTube video, particularly the JavaScript crash course, and ever since fallen in love with his teaching style. He has got a calm presence and his voice are just made for teaching and this course also shows that.

This is one of my favorite courses to learn JavaScript in Udemy and it focuses completely on JavaScript (No frameworks or libraries). You will learn by building projects which is the best way to learn JavaScript.

Talking about social proof, the course has been taken by more than 67K students and it still has on average 4.7 ratings from close to 20K participants which is phenomenal. I strongly suggest you watch the previews of this course and if you love them it will make it easy for you to commit your time to this course.

Here is the link to join this courseModern JavaScript From The Beginning

7. The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2024) [Udemy Course]

Andrew Mead is another great instructor you can trust in learning web development concepts. Having attended his Node JS complete developer courses I had high expectations with this course and I wasn’t disappointed.

This is one of the best Udemy courses to learn JavaScript by building real-world apps. Includes 3 real-world projects, 80 programming challenges, and ES6/ES7!

It’s also one of the highest-rated JavaScript courses on Udemy with on average 4.8 ratings from close to 10K ratings. More than 37,126 students have already trusted this course which is amazing.

If you like Andrew’s teaching style which is a bit enthusiastic but ensures that you won’t feel sleepy then you will love this course.

Here is the link to join this courseThe Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2024

8. Introduction to JavaScript [FREE Codecademy Course]

This is one of the best JavaScript courses for beginners and if you don’t have any prior experience with JavaScript then I recommend you to join this course. This online and interactive course will teach you the JavaScript fundamentals you’ll need for front-end or back-end development.

You will also learn programming fundamentals and basic object-oriented concepts using the latest JavaScript syntax. The concepts covered in these lessons lay the foundation for using JavaScript in any environment.

This is also probably the most popular JavaScript online course with more than 1,686,370 students. It is also comprehensive as you would need 30 hours of time to complete this course. Codecademy is a great online interactive learning platform and if you haven’t checked it before, I highly recommend you check it out, you will definitely fall in love with it.

Here is the link to join this courseIntroduction to JavaScript [FREE Codecademy Course]

10 JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts [Udemy]

This is an advanced JavaScript course for experienced web developers. Created by Anthony Alicea this course covers advanced JavaScript concepts like scope, closures, prototypes, ‘this’, build your own framework, and more.

Talking about social proof this course is taken by more than 150,355 students and it has on average 4.7 ratings from 35,000+ people which is remarkable.

If you want to learn how JavaScript works and its fundamental concepts and want to write solid, good Javascript code then you should join this course. It’s a great resource to learn advanced JavaScript concepts such as closures, prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, and much more.

You will also learn how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes other JavaScript coders make, which is a very important step to becoming a true JavaScript master.

Here is the link to join this courseJavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

11. JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2 by Will Sentance on Frontend Masters

This is another comprehensive JavaScript course for experienced web developers that delves into the inner workings of JavaScript. It is designed to equip developers with the knowledge and skills to excel in their programming journey. Led by the renowned instructor Will Sentance from Codesmith, this course offers an in-depth exploration of JavaScript’s most important aspects.

Throughout the course, you will gain a solid understanding of crucial topics such as callbacks and higher-order functions, closure, asynchronous JavaScript, and object-oriented JavaScript. By combining mental models of JavaScript’s inner workings with hands-on programming challenges, you can reinforce you understanding and develop problem-solving abilities.

This JavaScript course from Frontend Masters, one of my favorite website for learning web devleopment, is Ideal for developers with a basic to intermediate knowledge of JavaScript, this course takes your understanding of the fundamentals to the next level. With Will Sentance’s expertise and engaging teaching style, participants can grasp complex concepts and apply them effectively in real-world scenarios.

Also, “JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2” course is also part of many learning paths available on Frontend Masters. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your professional skill set or deepen your JavaScript knowledge, this course provides a valuable learning experience for aspiring and experienced developers alike.

Here is the link to join this courseJavaScript: The Hard Parts

That’s all about some of the best Advanced JavaScript online courses for experienced developers to learn JavaScript in depth. These are really awesome JavaScript courses from sites like Udemy, Coursera, Frontend Masers, and Pluralsight. They will not only help you to learn JavaScript basics like syntax, loops, functions, events, and classes but also advanced JavaScript concepts and versions like ES6.

Other JavaScript and Web Development Courses You May like to explore

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best and advanced JavaScript courses for experienced developers from sites like Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, Frontend Masters and CodeCademy, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a comment.

P. S. — If you are new to JavaScript and looking for a free JavaScript course to start your journey then you can also check out this free JavaScript Essentials course from Udemy. It’s completely free and you just need an Udemy account to join this course. It contains more than 6.5 hours of JavaScript content and more than 240K students have already joined this course.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and