10 Tools Software Developers should learn in 2024

These ten tools and libraries are the basis for developers’ skills. Check out the list and where you can get started expanding your skills.

9 min readFeb 27, 2021


Hello guys, if you are looking for the best tools and libraries a programmer and Software developers can learn in 2024 then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Python tools, best Java Frameworks, and best Java libraries and today, I am going to share the best tools and libraries, every programmer should learn.

Like every industry Software development also have tools and practices which every software programmer needs to learn to become successful. While there is no dearth of tools and libraries in Software development, in this article I am going to share 10 essential tools and libraries which I think every software developer should learn.

Some of you may think ten tools are nothing, but, to be honest, if every programmer truly knows these well, he can accomplish a lot in his day-to-day job. Without further ado, let’s see my list of ten tools every software developer should know and know well.

10 Best Programming and Software Development Tools and Libraries to Learn in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of the best tools and libraries every programmer and software engineer should learn. They are essential for software development and learning them makes you a better and more competent Software professional.

1. Git [version control and code repository]

Good knowledge of a source control repository is mandatory for any programmer or software developer because you need to do check-in and check-out of code every day. To become a better developer, you should also know advanced concepts like branching and merging.

In today’s world, Git and GitHub have become synonymous with source control repositories, and version control tools. This is the single most important tool for a programmer now, and that’s why I suggest every programmer learn Git and GitHub truly well.

If you are a beginner or a programmer who wants to improve his Git knowledge, I suggest you go check out Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git course from Udemy, one of the best courses to learn Git in depth.

best version control tool for programmers

2. SQL [for Database interaction]

This is another essential tool or programming language every programmer should learn. SQL is actually a Standard Query Language and is used to work with the database. By using SQL, you can read, update, and delete data from tables.

Since we use databases everywhere in the real world, a programmer should have a good understanding of SQL.

Apart from knowing basic commands, like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, a programmer should also know how to write complex queries using join, aggregate functions, subqueries, and other advanced functionalities.

If you are new to SQL or want to take your SQL skills to the next level, then The Complete SQL Bootcamp is a good place to start.

best SQL tool for programmers

3. Python [Coding and Programming]

You might be surprised that as a Java developer, I am suggesting every programmer learn Python. Well, there is a reason for it. Python is a powerful high-level, object-oriented programming language that is very versatile.

You can create big applications as you do in Java, and you can use Python to create useful scripts to automate stuff.

It also has numerous modules that make almost anything possible, from accessing the file system and developing web applications to machine learning.

I can’t say more, but I’ll show you this picture which clearly explains why every programmer should learn Python.

It also has simple, easy-to-use syntax, making it the perfect language for someone trying to learn computer programming for the first time. If you want to learn Python, then The Complete Python Bootcamp course is a great place to start.

best Programming language for beginners

4. Docker [Container]

Docker is a game changer tool as it simplified the process of how you run any application. With Docker, you have a process that works and not just works in your machine but also on every machine.

With Docker images and containers you can easily deploy a Java Microservice or a C++ application and most importantly you can scale as they are as simple as starting a process.

No more worry of dependent libraries, dependent runtimes like Java, .NET, or Node and not to worry about even Operating system dependencies like RHEL 5 or RHEL 7, with Docker you have a simple and scalable process and peace of mind that makes it a must-learn tool for any programmer.

And, if you want to learn Docker and need a recommended course, I highly recommend this Docker & Kubernetes: The Practical Guide course from Maximiliar SchwarzMuller on Udemy.

best container programmer should learn

5. Kubernetes [Container Orchastration]

This is another tool that is also a buzzword in the cloud Computing world because it makes scaling an application really easy. Gone are the days when you have to buy a server, set up infrastructure on the server, and then spend weeks deploying your applications.

With Kubernetes and Docker, you can easily scale up and down your application to handle a burst of traffic and also save money when traffic returns to normal.

Kubernetes takes what Docker offers to the next level by automating the scaling process and what makes it a darling tool in today’s cloud-native world. If you want to learn Kubernetes, I highly recommend this Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain from Udemy.

best deployment tool for programmers

6. Excel [Productivity Tool]

Microsoft Excel is another essential tool for programmers and software developers. Don’t mistake it just for a spreadsheet application — you can do a lot more using Excel than you can ever imagine.

The biggest reason to learn Microsoft Excel is that you will find it everywhere. Everybody uses it, starting from businesses to BA, QA, and project managers. You can use it to generate reports, automate, and reconcile stuff, and a lot more.

If you want to go beyond just copy-pasting stuff into Excel to learn functions like VLOOKUP, I suggest you join the Microsoft Excel — Excel from Beginner to the Advanced course on Udemy. One of the best courses to learn Excel in depth

best course to learn Excel

7. Text Editors + IDE [VS Code]

Every programmer should know one text editor pretty well. Software developers do a lot of text processing jobs and knowing a text editor will always help.

Apart from NotePad, which is a very good, omnipresent, basic text editor, I encourage programmers to learn some advanced text editors, like VS Code or NotePad++.

They support regular expression search and replace and Macros which will help you a lot with your everyday work. If you want to learn more about a VS Code text editor Visual Studio Code Tutorial — Getting Started With VS Codes is a good place to start.

best course to learn VSCode

8. Linux Commands

Just like SQL, Linux commands are another essential tool for programmers. Every programmer has to work on UNIX sometimes, and many of us spend most of our day on a Linux machine.

Good knowledge of Linux commands means you can find what you want, you can know what’s going on with the machine, and you can troubleshoot any issues with your application running on Linux.

This is a must-have skill for every programmer, and if you are not comfortable with Linux commands, you must spend some time learning it, especially if you have some exploring to do in Linux. For beginners, Linux Mastery: Mastering the Linux Command Line in 11.5 Hours is a good place to start.

best course to learn Linux

9. Postman [API Testing]

Today is the world of API and Postman plays a crucial role in testing and playing with APIs. It doesn’t matter whether you are developing a REST API or GraphQL APIs, you need a tool to connect and explore the API before developing clients for it or before publishing it to the client and Postman is the best tool for testing APIs.

With Postman client GUI or Chrome extension you can send GET, POST, or any other HTTP request, add headers and request parameters and also analyze the response in good detail.

If you are a web developer or app developer, I highly recommend you to learn Postman if you are working with APIs, this will surely help you in both development and testing. If you need a course, check out Valentine Despa’s Postman: The Complete Guide — REST API Testing on Udemy.

best course to learn Postman

10. AWS [Cloud Platform]

Cloud Computing has taken the world by storm. Every other company is moving to the cloud. It doesn’t matter whether you are a startup or a big Investment bank with a legacy of 100 years, both are moving to the cloud for better scalability, high availability, and cost reduction.

And, AWS is the oldest and biggest public cloud provider. Knowing AWS is key for any developer because it gives you an idea of how you can build and deploy your application without buying a server.

Now, opening a startup has become very easy because you just need to code your application and AWS can take care of everything else from running the app to scaling the app, logging, storing data, and much more.

If you could just learn one thing this year, I highly recommend learning AWS and if you need a course, I commend Stephane Maarek’s AWS Solution Architect course which is designed for certification but packed with the most valuable information for anyone who wants to learn AWS

best course to learn AWS

That’s all about essential tools for every programmer. These are some of the basic tools which everyone needs, be it a web developer working in JavaScript, a Java developer working on server-side code, or a mobile developer working on Android or iOS apps.

Good knowledge of these tools goes a long way in your software development career because you will use these tools each and every day and appreciate the time and effort you put in initially to learn them.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find these best programming tools and libraries useful, please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note. If you have any other tools, technologies, frameworks, libraries, and skills that a Web developer should learn, feel free to drop a comment.

P. S. — If you want to become a Java developer then I also recommend you to check out Java Programming Masterclass for the Software Developers course by Tim Buchalaka and his team on Udemy. It’s a great course for anyone who wants to get into Software development using Java Programming language.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com