Difference between SAGA and CQRS Design Patterns in Microservices?

A popular Microservice interview question which you cannot miss



Hello folks, if you have heard about SAGA pattern and CQRS patter in Microservice world and wondering what are they and when to use them then you are at the right place. Difference between SAGA and CQRS Pattern is one of the common question on Java interviews.

Both SAGA Pattern and CQRS are both popular patterns used in microservices architecture, but they serve different purposes.

The main difference between SAGA and CQRS is that SAGA focuses on the transactional consistency of the system while CQRS focuses on the scalability and performance of the system but there are much more to learn about them which you will find in this article.

In the past, I have mentioned about SAGA Pattern when I shared 50 Microservice Interview Questions for beginners and experienced developers and 10 essential Microservice design principles and in this article,In this article, I will share the difference between two and when to use SAGA and CQRS pattern in Microservices.

By the way, if you are new to Microservice architecture or just want to revise key Microservice concepts and looking for resources then here are few online courses you can join:




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