Protocol To Become A Flutter Application Developer

Milan Panchasara
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2021
Photo by: Milan Source: Self Create

Abraham is an Android developer and has already developed many mobile apps, nailing on the Play Store. He has seen and practiced many trends that come and go in app development. One thing that has stuck in his mind is Flutter. Abraham knows about Google’s Open-source Cross-platform Software Development Kit and how it creates iOS and Android apps from a single codebase. He also knows it’s just been a few years since Flutter came into the arena and swiftly became the talk of the town.

The thing that stings him is how to become a Flutter developer. He receives multiple inquiries about cross-platform app development with Flutter. Some startups want to save on budget and time, while others want to target multiple platforms at once. And he doesn’t want to let them down.

Though it’s easy to learn, newbie Flutter programmers need a roadmap to streamline their learning journey, making sure nothing gets left out. If your story somehow resonates with Abraham’s, here is the solution, “The Roadmap To Become a Flutter Application Developer.”

Don’t have time to learn Flutter from scratch? You can hire Flutter developers from us and learn Flutter at your pace.

The Roadmap To Become a Flutter Application Developer

First, know what your prime responsibilities are as a Flutter developer, so you can sort things you need to learn.

Code Applications

You will have to write code in Flutter using Dart programming language, which will already be compiled to native platforms, i.e., Android and iOS. You may also be responsible for creating desktop and web apps using the same codebase.

Create User Interfaces

Flutter UI framework is well-known for reusable UI components, customizable widgets, and abundance tools to create beautiful apps and fun user experiences. Therefore, you are also responsible for front-end app development.

Test Applications

It’s your job to ensure the apps you build are bug-free, secure, and rightly configured to the targeted platforms. However, Flutter SDK’s learning tools to debug your code and run quality analysis would simplify your app testing.

Application Deployment & Maintenance

Flutter app developers also have to take command over deploying the app on Google Play and Apple Store. Furthermore, maintaining and improving the app as per user feedback falls into Flutter developer roles as well.

The tasks mentioned above are basics, and the roles and responsibilities may vary depending on the project requirements. If you have in-depth Flutter knowledge, roles & responsibilities won’t make much difference for you. This brings us to the next point.

Prerequisites for Learning Flutter

Before you install and start developing apps in Flutter, you must be familiar with the following essential concepts. If you are already acquainted with them, you better get on with Flutter tools. If not, then consider it’s the ABC and kick off your Flutter learning journey grabbing these concepts.

  • Knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming Languages like Java, C++,
  • Familiar with Object-Oriented Programming Systems such as Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Abstraction, Methods, etc.,
  • At least a little experience in Android or iOS like Native app development or React Native, Xamarin, or Ionic like mobile app development frameworks,
  • Dart is a must to learn prior to Flutter as it uses Dart, Google’s general-purpose programming language. However, developers with Android experience and comfortable with OOP can learn the language in a couple of days. To level up your Dart knowledge Dart Language Tour (Free).

Flutter Is For Everyone, Here’s The Proof

“Java can do this; how to carry out the same function in Flutter? iOS offers this handy feature. Would Flutter have them too?” Stumbling upon such questions is normal when you just shift from your platform to Flutter. Therefore, Flutter dev offers separate guides for developers coming from different platforms. Check out the links below and see if it has what you look for.

Flutter Development Tools You Must Learn

By now, you must be familiar with Flutter and Dart enough to get started building your first Android or iOS app with Flutter. But wait! What about development tools required for writing code, designing apps, libraries, and all to achieve native performance? Hold on, find below tools to develop your Flutter app effectively.

  • IDE for Flutter mobile app development

Flutter supports widely used Integrated Development Environments to let you write, run, and debug your code, including:

Follow the Set Up Editor guide.

  • User Interface in Flutter

It’s well-known that Flutter is also a UI framework, allowing you to showcase your creativity and craft appealing apps. And to build a UI in Flutter, you should know the basics of the layout mechanism of Flutter and how it works. Learn Layout in Flutter.

Flutter is all about widgets, offering you a wealth of customizable widgets to use as you want. To add interactivity, add direction to gesture, styling, app accessibility, and design app as per Material or Cupertino guidelines, these widgets come in handy.

Some of the essential widgets you must learn from are:

  • Stateful Widgets
  • Stateless Widgets
  • Accessibility
  • Inherited Widget
  • Theming
  • Localization
  • Flutter and Firebase

Firebase is among the widely used Backend-as-a-Service app development platforms when authentication, quality analysis, storage, and notification are priorities. Because it offers cloud storage, crash reporting, real-time database, remote configuration, hosting for static files, and more.

So, learning FlutterFire should be on your list.

  • Flutter DevTools

Flutter provides developers with a suite of performance and debugging tools to inspect UIs, network profiling, source-level, memory issues debugging, and analyze code and app size.

So, do not forget to learn Flutter DevTools.

  • Flutter Packages

Supporting the usage of Shared Packages, Flutter allows developers to leverage other developers’ contributions to the Flutter and Dart ecosystem. Learning how to find and add package dependencies to an app will help you speed up your app development.

  • Documentation

Google’s Flutter has a vast community and developer-friendly in-depth documentation for each feature and tool. So, you can always rely on Flutter documentation that goes through many topics, such as:

How to start with Flutter

A to Z widgets

The API docs (libraries docs)

A cookbook with tutorials to learn Flutter practically

Some examples of apps

Flutter Youtube channel

Still, if you encounter any obstacles, seek help from the Flutter Community.

Mobile app development trends are not going to slow down but rise high. From startups to a decade and hundred years old, brands rely on custom app development to get closer to their customers.

Since mobile app development becomes a must for business tycoons, tech giants roll out new development technologies and methods. Tools that accelerate the development process, cutting down development time, cost, and project management hassle.

Flutter is appearing as an ultimate solution for creating engaging and native-like apps under budget and within a stipulated time with features like Hot Reload. On the other hand, it offers opportunities for developers to implement their creativity endlessly and serve their clients efficiently.

Flutter is a sure shot whether you are an entrepreneur aspiring to win the world or a developer.



Milan Panchasara

Tech Writer & Sr. Marketing Consultant | 6 Years of Exp. | Write on Popular Technology & Different Industries. | LinkedIn: