6 Best Udemy Courses for Coding Interview Preparation in 2024

These are the best coding interview preparation courses you can buy on Udemy sale in 2024

10 min readMay 22, 2024


Top 5 Coding Interview Preparation Courses for Beginners and Experienced Developers

Hello guys, bonus season is done and dusted for almost all the companies and we are now in second half of the year, the best time to look for jobs as if you join this time, you will not miss bonuses on your new companies.

If you are also looking for new jobs and preparing for coding interviews and need resources to sharpen your coding, data structure and algorithms, and System design skills then you have come to the right place

In the past, I have shared best DSA books and Courses, best System Design books and courses, and in this article, I am going to share best coding interview prep courses for Software engineers, Java developers and other IT professionals.

Unlike normal data structure and algorithms courses, these courses are especially designed you to prepare for coding interviews. Which means you will not just learn about data structures and algorithms but also about coding patterns and techniques to solve coding problems in a limited time during live interviews.

They are good resource not just for beginners and freshers software engineers who doesn’t know much about what can be asked on Coding interview but also for experienced developer who have lost touch of DSA basics, System design basics and haven’t practice on Leetcode or solving coding problems lately.

You can join these courses to sharpen your skills and revise key computer science, coding, DSA, and System design concepts before interviews. They are also created by experts like Andrew Negaoie, Colt Steele, Scoot Barett, Stephen Grider, and quite affordable, you can buy all of these courses on just $50 on Udemy sale which is happening now, which is like a steal.

While I prefer to prepare from multiple courses because learning form different instructor works for but if you just want to join one course, I would recommend you to join the Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms by Andrei Negaoie and ZTM academy. This is one of the comprehensive, well designed and updated course for coding interview preparation and works for both FAANG, Investment banks and other service and product based companies.

6 Best Udemy Courses for Coding Interview Preparation in 2024

Without any further ado, here is my list of curated courses for coding interview preparation. All of these courses are curated from Udemy because I found Udemy as the most affordable place to learn anything. I have only selected the course where I can connect with the instructor and find his teaching style good enough.

Since I am an experienced Java developer, few courses are may be bit advance for beginners but if you stick around, you will learn a lot and improve your DSA skills significantly.

So, let’s start with the first course for your next coding interview preparation in 2024

1. Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms

This is 19.5 hour long, bootcamp style course is one of the best course to start preparing for your next coding interview. The course is designed to cover all essential data structures and algorithms for coding interviews.

You will not only learn about arrays, linked list, binary tree, graphs, stack, queue, and hash table, but also about various searching and sorting algorithms and BigO notation, which is key to calculate the performance for a given solution or algorithms.

The course not just covers about DSA part but also share common questions asked on Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Meta to give you idea about what you can expect on FAANG interviews.

By the way, if you are preparing for FAANG interviews, you can also check his Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews course where he talk more about how to crack interviews on FAANG or MAANG companies.

By the way, the course doesn’t end here but also give you tips on how to negotiate your offer because that’s most important step, you can easily get 20 to 30% hike right there if you negotiate well, which could take years otherwise, and I am not saying from the course perspective but form my own experience.

Overall one of the best coding interview prep course you can join online for an affordable price. Talking about social proof, more than 221,098 people have already joined this course and it has on average 4.7 rating which is amazing.

Here is the link to join this course — Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms

The course also make great use of new feature on Udemy like coding exercises which allows you to practice solving coding interview problems right on your browser, this makes practice really easy as it take away all the friction related to downloading Software and setting up your IDE for practice.

2. Java Data Structures & Algorithms + LEETCODE Exercises

If you are an experienced Java developer looking for a job change but worrying about how to crack the coding interview round, particularly the live coding interview then this course is for you.

In this course, you will prepare for coding interview by not just learning and revising your data structure skills but also by solving LeetCode problems in Java.

Created by Scoot Barett, the course come with 100+ Coding Exercises with Detailed Explanations, this will help you to learn data structure and algorithms faster You will also learn how to use Big O notation to calculate time and space complexity of your solution.

Scott also make good use of animation to explain the complex data structure and algorithms concept, which really work well for beginners and fresh graduates coming out from colleges.

Talking about social proof, more than 44,759 students have already joined this course and it still have 4.7 rating which is phenomenal. If you are a Java developer who want to crack your next coding interview, you should check out this course.

Here is the link to join this course — Java Data Structures & Algorithms + LEETCODE Exercises

3. The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures

If you are looking for a coding interview prep course for experienced web developer then this course is for your. Created by one of my favorite Udemy instructor and web developer, Stephen Grider, this 13 hour course is a great resource for web developers.

This is like a crash course on coding interview, where the focus is on solving coding problem, which makes it an ideal course for experienced developers.

In this course, you will master commonly asked interview questions and tackle common data structures used in web development. You will also practice dozens of different challenges on 30+ coding exercises.

Most importantly, you will use Javascript to solve challenging algorithms and coding problems and that’s why I recommend this course to web developers who already knows JavaScript well.

Talking about social proof, more than 102,191 students have already joined this course and it still have 4.7 rating out of 5, which is seriously amazing. Not many courses can sustain that high level of rating for so many students unless they have real high quality content which this course has.

Here is the link to join this course — The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures

4. LEETCODE In Python: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions

So far, I have shared coding interview prep courses for both Java and JavaScript developers but what about Python programmers? Python is one of the the top three programming language and also a good choice for solving coding problem on interviews.

Created by an ex Google engineer, Bit Punch, this course will give you ample opportunity to practice data structure and algorithms questions for interviews at FAANG companies like Google, Facebook, Apple & Amazon.

In this 29 hour long coding interview course for python developers you will solve easy to hard Difficulty problems using different data structures and algorithms. It also covers the most popular interview questions asked by major tech companies

Along the way, you will also learn essential coding interview pattern like two pointers, sliding window and merge interval which can be used to solved 100s of Leetcode problems.

Talking about social proof, more than 18,436 student have already joined this course and it has on average 4.6 rating which is great.

You will greatly improve your problem solving skills by going through this course and that's why I highly recommend this course to python developers preparing for coding interviews in 2024.

Here is the link to join this course — LEETCODE In Python: Algorithms Coding Interview Questions

5. Data Structures Algorithm DSA | Python + JavaScript LEETCODE

While I have already mentioned one Python and one JavaScript course which also deals with Leetcode problems, if you need and alternative, you can take a look at this course.

Created by Jackson Kalith, this is one of the most comprehensive coding interview prep course with 39 hour of content In this course you will not only learn common Data Structures such as Arrays, Hash Table, Linked List, Binary trees, Graphs but also solve real Coding Interview Questions from Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix , and Microsoft etc.

The course is divided into a structure to prepare you for coding interviews in 25 days. It’s like a 25 days coding interview bootcamp to master DSA, BigO, Coding Interview Patterns Python JavaScript and get the job you want!

More than 58,484 students have joined already and on average it has got 4.5 rating which is quite nice. If you need more detailed preparation and want to solve problems, particularly real coding problems from Google and Amazon then you can join this course.

Here is the link to join this course — Data Structures Algorithm DSA | Python + JavaScript LEETCODE

6. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass

This is another DSA and coding interview course for JavaScript and web developers. Created by legendary instructor Colt Steele, this course should be the very first course beginners should join to learn about common data structures like array, linked list, binary tree, stack and queue.

This 21.5 hours aim to fell the gaps of what you learn in colleges and what is expected on real technical job. By teaching you common data structures and algorithms and solving coding problem the course aims to improve your problem solving skills.

In this course, you will also learn everything you need to ace difficult coding interviews, including 6 sorting algorithms and learn to implement 10+ data structures from scratch.

While this is a beginner level course, 2 to 3 years exprienced web developer can also join this course to improve their problem solving skills and become a stronger developer.

Here is the link to join this course — JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass

That’s all about the best Coding interview courses on Udemy. Coding interview is very vast topic and that’s why one course is not enough. I normally join multiple courses from different instructor to understand the topic better.

You can also join a couple of courses from this list to learn about data structures, algorithms, and everything else you will need to crack the Coding interviews in 2024.

All these courses are also very affordable and you can enroll them now for just $10 on Udemy sale. Even if you are busy and don’t have enough time to watch these courses, you can join them now for a lower price and watch them later when you have time.

I do the same and I have already bought 50+ courses on this sale as of now as these sales are now happening less frequently and far between.

Other DSA and Coding interview resources you may like

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these Java Data structures and Algorithms courses, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are looking for some Free Algorithms courses to improve your understanding of Data Structure and Algorithms, then you should also check this list of free Data Structure and Algorithms courses which are entirely free of cost




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com