Top 6 System Design Interview Courses in 2024 — Best of Lot

My favorite Udemy online courses to prepare for System design interview in 2024

9 min readMay 19, 2024


Hello guys, if you are preparing for Software Engineer or Software Developer Job interview then you may know that how important is to prepare for System Design, especially if you want to get a developer job on top tier company like Amazon, Google, Meta, Apple and Netflix.

In the past, I have shared several resources for System design interview preparation like best System Design Interview Books, websites, and popular Software design questions for practice, and today, I am going to share best System Design courses from Udemy, one of my favorite place to learn anything related to tech.

Why Udemy? Well, my reason to choose Udemy was mainly for its affordable price. There is no other place where you can find 50+ hours of top quality courses for just $10.

Apart from price, choice is another reasons why I like to learn on Udemy. It’s the largest market place of online courses and you will have plenty of choices.

If you enroll in a course and don’t like the instructor or his way of explanation or content, you can ask for refund and choice another course. This is the facility, which I have never found anywhere else, except subscription based sites like Educative or Pluralsight.

That’s why I always go to Udemy to enroll into the System Design courses and today I am going to share few gems from my collection. By the way, if you are in hurry then just go and join Mastering the System Design Interview by Frank Kane, a 5 hour course from an ex Amazon Hiring manager where he share proper process and insider tips to crack the System design interviews on FAANG or MAANG companies.

You can also get this course now for just $10 as Udemy is running their biggest sale. I already bought 50+ courses to learn in-demand skills this year. You can also join this course for a discount, you will thank me later.

6 Best System Design Courses You can Join on Udemy in 2024

Without any further ado, here is my favorite System design courses you can join on Udemy. These System design courses are created by System design expert and current and ex-FAANG employees who have served on both side of table.

I mean they have not only cleared the interviews as a candidate but also taken interviews as hiring manager.

There are plenty to learn form these experienced hands and these course provide that opportunity to you. If you are serious about your System design interview preparation then you will love these courses for sure.

1. Mastering the System Design Interview by Frank Kane

This was one of the first System design interview course I joined on Udemy. I have known Frank Kane from his previous courses on Big Data and Scala and was big fan of his teaching style and content.

So, when he release his System design course, I immediately joined the course and I must say I wasn’t disappointed.

The course not only cover key system design concepts like caching, scalability, sharding, security, and software architecture but also answer frequently asked System design questions like difference between Horizontal and Vertical Scaling, and API Gateway vs Load Balancers.

The course not only touch base upon Big Data, ACID properties, Data Structures and Algorithms but also share strategies to tackle pressure of System design interviews and how to answer system design questions.

For practice, you will also solve popular System Design problems like URL Shortening, and Web Crawlers and learn how to apply your knowledge on solving System design problem.

Talking about social proof, more than 62,373 students have already joined this course and it has on average 4.6 rating from close to 8800 raters which is amazing.

Frank has done amazing job with this course. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is preparing for System Design interview in 2024.

Here is the link to join this course — Mastering the System Design Interview by Frank Kane

2. Rocking System Design by Rajdeep Saha

If you need an alternative of Frank’s course then you can checkout this Rocking System Design course by Rajdeep Saha. This one was my first course of Rajdeep and I didn’t know him before. Rajdeep is a AWS solution architect and that shows in his course.

In this course, you will not only learn how to answer System design questions on interview but also learn about Cloud Computing, particularly AWS and how to design applications for Cloud.

This 9-hour online course covers AWS implementation of the design using Kubernetes, Lambda, API Gateway, EC2, ALB, NLB etc, and also touch base upon core system design concepts like scaling, sharding, hashing, microservices, load balancers, security, well architected framework, and more

The course is also full of quizzes and exercises. You can test your knowledge with up-to-date system design quizzes. Talking about social proof, more than 13,381 engineers have already joined this course and on average it has 4.5 rating which is quite amazing.

Here is the link to join this course — Rocking System Design by Rajdeep Saha

3. System Design Interview Guide for Software Architecture by CodeKarle

This is another Udemy course on System Design interview which is created by an ex FAANG engineer, Sandeep Kaul. Sandeep is an Experienced Tech Lead/Architect with a huge breadth and depth of knowledge based on his experience on a wide variety of technologies that he has worked on in his career, and that shows in this course.

In this System Design Interview Guide you will not only learn the strategy to crack your next High Level System Design Interview but also learn about Distributed Systems, Microservices Architecture, Databases, Software Architecture, Analytics, and Design Patterns, which will also be used in your day-to-day task and help become a better engineer.

You will also find solutions to the most common Interview Questions at FAANGs like how to design WhatsApp, how to design Uber, How to design Amazon, How to design Twitter, YouTube, AirBnb and many other real apps.

The course also comes with a lot of quizzes and coding problems which you can use to further solidify your knowledge .

In short, one of the best course on high level system design. I absolutely loved it. Sandeep covers each topic in sufficient detail and his deep understanding of various technical aspects shines throughout the course.

I highly recommend it to anyone interested in taking their system design skills to the next level.

Here is the link to join this course System Design Interview Guide for Software Architecture by CodeKarle

4. Pragmatic System Design by Alexey Soshin

This 5-hour long System design interview course on Udemy is created by Alexy Soshin, a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Alexy is a well known expert in System design and also author of “Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices” book.

He has also one of the coauthor of “97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know” book, one of my favorite Java book of recent time. Where you will find 97 essays from different expert on key technical topics.

In this System design course on Udemy, you will learn not only learn how ow to solve most popular FANG interview questions but also

  • important scalability concepts
  • Common communication protocols
  • Caching and Redis
  • Concurrency
  • Database design and PostgreSQL
  • Sharding strategies, and much more.

Talking about social proof, more than 26,522 software engineers have already joined this course and on average it has 4.3 rating out of 5 which is great.

Here is the link to join this course — Pragmatic System Design by Alexey Soshin

5. The “BigTech” System Design Interview Bootcamp

If you are looking for a bootcamp style course to prepare for System design interview in 2024 then you will love this course. It provides complete guide to nail your next System Design Interview with Hands-On, Project-Based learning with discord community!

Created by Fabien HinsenKamp, an SSE @ Amazon, this course provides Hands-on experience with component-level system design and real-world application through 10 mock interview challenges.

The course also provides a prefect introduction to System Design, what I loved about this course was not just the technical information taught, but also the tips provided on how to crack the technical interview.

Since Fabien is already working in Microsoft and have gone through the same path and crack the code, his tips are battle hardened and quite valuable.

Fabian ia also very responsive and available on Udemy and Discord for Questions and Queries. And he does not spoon-feed the answers, but ignites that curiosity to learn more about the topics you find interesting, which a sign of a great teacher.

If you want to crack your next System Design interview and just starting then you can join this course. More than 22,292 students have already joined this course.

Here is the link to join this course — The “BigTech” System Design Interview Bootcamp

6. Low Level System Design [An interview perspective]

While most of the course in this list covers high level system design I thought to include one course from Low Level system design to balance things out and also because Low Level System design is also important for crack tech interviews.

Created by Abhishek Ghosh, this course will teach you how to begin coding by keeping extensibility in mind. You will learn how to weed out unnecessary information from the problem definition, identify traction, and create a class diagram with it

You will also learn about how to write test cases for the problem as and when required and gain necessary exposure and modifications to the API for code sustainability

The course also teach you how to use encapsulation when required and generate desired accessors and mutators. Most importantly you will learn how to complete code during interview time and ain insight into fallback plans in emergency cases, which always happens.

Talking about social proof, more than 4,810 students have already joined this course and it has on average 4.5 rating which is quite nice for a low level system design course. If you want to master Low Level System design, I highly recommend this course.

Here is the link to join this course — Low Level System Design [An interview perspective]

That’s all about the best online courses you can join to prepare for System Design interviews on Udemy. System Design is very vast topic that’s why you need a couple of courses to really cover them. I have learned better when I learn from two different instructors and that’s why I have shared System Design courses from different instructor in this list.

Also, all these courses are very affordable and you can get it for just $10 now on Udemy Sale. Even if you don’t have time to watch the course now, you can enroll at them now at a lower price to save money and complete it later when you have time.

I have already bought 50+ courses on recent Udemy sale on System Design, Programming and other technical topics.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these System design interview courses form Udemy then please share with your friends If you got any other System design course which should be in this list, let me know in comments. Everybody loves great resources and happy learning System design.

P. S. — If you want to do just one thing to learn System Design in depth then I also suggest you to checkout Frank Kane’s Mastering the System Design Interview course on Udemy. Frank is an ex-hiring manager and know what it takes to crack System design interview of those big FAANG companies .




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and