Why Every Developer Should Learn Docker and Containers?

With Docker or containers, your app will work on every machine, not just yours.

6 min readApr 21, 2023


Why Every Developer Should Learn Docker and Containers?

Hello folks, In recent years, Docker has emerged as one of the most popular containerization platforms in the world of software development, and the rise of Microservices and Cloud Computing played a huge role on it.

As more and more companies embrace containerization and DevOps practices, it has become increasingly important for developers to have a solid understanding of Docker and how it works and that’s why I am recommending every develop to learn about Docker.

In the past, we have seen how Microservices works and understand different Microservices design patterns like Event Sourcing, CQRS, SAGA, Database Per Microservices, API Gateway, Circuit-Breaker and in this article, we will explore the reasons why developers should learn Docker, including its benefits for application development, testing, and deployment.

Whether you’re an experienced and seasoned developer or just getting started in the field, learning Docker can provide you with a valuable set of skills that will help you stay competitive in today’s fast-paced technology landscape.

And, if you want to learn Docker in Depth and need resources, I suggest you to checkout these best Docker courses to start with.

What is Docker? What Problem it solve?

Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to package, deploy, and run applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-contained environments that include all the necessary dependencies and libraries required to run the application.

Docker simplifies the process of application development and deployment by allowing developers to focus on writing code instead of worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

One of the key problems that Docker solves is the issue of software dependencies. In traditional application development, developers often struggle with configuring and managing dependencies on different machines and environments.

This can result in compatibility issues and other problems that make it difficult to deploy and run applications reliably. Remember the classic case where your program and app works fine on your machine but not on QA’s machine or on production?

Docker addresses this problem by allowing developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers that can be deployed on any machine with Docker installed.

This eliminates the need to worry about compatibility issues and makes it easy to move applications between different environments, such as development, testing, and production.

If you are wondering how Docker works, here is a nice diagram which explains key component of Docker like Docker File, Docker Image, Docker Engine, and Docker container:

10 Reasons to Learn Docker for Developers

Here are my 10 reasons why ever developers should learn Docker, there could be many more and if you have a reason which is different than these, feel free to share in comments.

1. Containerization

Docker allows developers to create containers that can run consistently across different environments. This enables them to easily deploy applications in a containerized environment, ensuring consistency in performance and functionality. This also means that you can just pass the docker image to your QA or any other team member to run without them worrying about JAR files or any other dependency.

2. Portability

Docker makes it easy to move applications between different environments, such as from a developer’s laptop to a production server, without having to worry about compatibility issues. It’s always easy to pass a single Docker image then multiple exe files or JAR files.

3. Scalability

Docker enables developers to quickly and easily scale their applications horizontally or vertically as needed, without requiring significant changes to the underlying infrastructure. Kubernetes can create as many pods with your application if you give a Docker image to it. Docker and K8 goes hand in hand.

4. Efficiency

Docker allows developers to work with smaller and more focused containers, reducing the overhead associated with traditional virtual machines. It certainly makes deployment easy from developer’s perspective and if you have proper pipeline you can deploy a new Docker container every time you build master branch.

5. Speed

Docker can significantly speed up the development process by enabling developers to quickly create and deploy containers, without having to worry about setting up complex infrastructure. I have not seen much improvement with the speed though but deployment and installation certification become easier.

6. Collaboration

Docker makes it easier for developers to collaborate on projects by providing a standardized environment that can be easily shared and replicated.

7. Security

Docker provides a range of security features that help ensure the safety and integrity of applications running in containers.

8. Flexibility:

Docker can be used with a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and tools, making it a versatile solution for developers across different industries.

9. Community:

Docker has a large and active community of developers, making it easy to find resources, get help, and stay up to date with the latest developments.

10. Career Growth:

As more organizations adopt containerization and microservices architectures, developers with Docker skills are in high demand, making it a valuable skillset to have in today’s job market.

Here is also a nice diagram of Docker Architecture:

How to learn Docker from Scratch?

To learn Docker, there are several resources available that can help you get started. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Read the Docker documentation:

The Docker documentation is a great place to start as it provides a detailed guide on how to install, use and manage Docker containers. Checkout the Docker Docs to start with

2. Take online courses

There are many online courses available that teach Docker from beginner to advanced level. Some of the popular platforms that offer Docker courses are Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight.

3. Join online communities:

Docker has a large and active community of developers who are always ready to help and share their knowledge. Joining online communities like Docker Community Forums, Docker Slack Channel, and Docker Meetups can help you learn from experienced developers.

4. Practice:

The best way to learn Docker is to practice. Create your own Docker images, run containers, and try to deploy applications using Docker. You can also contribute to open-source Docker projects to gain more experience.

5. Attend conferences:

Attending Docker conferences and events can help you learn about the latest trends and best practices in the Docker ecosystem. DockerCon is one of the popular Docker conferences held annually.

6. Read books:

There are many books available on Docker that can help you learn Docker in detail. Some of the popular books are Docker in Action, Docker Deep Dive, and The Docker Book.

These are the best ways to learn Docker yourself. By following these steps, you can gain a solid understanding of Docker and become proficient in using it for your projects.


In conclusion, Docker has revolutionized the way software is developed, deployed, and managed. As a developer, learning Docker is essential to stay relevant in the industry and improve productivity.

With Docker, developers can easily create portable and scalable applications, speed up the development process, and reduce the risk of environment inconsistencies.

Additionally, Docker has a thriving community and an abundance of resources available, making it easy for developers to get started and continue learning.

By investing time in learning Docker, developers can enhance their skill set, increase their job opportunities, and become more efficient in delivering high-quality software.

All the best with your Docker journey.




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