What is Event Sourcing Design Pattern in Microservice Architecture? How does it work?

An Overview of Event Sourcing Design Pattern and Its Implementation in Microservice Architecture.



What is Event Sourcing Design Pattern in Microservice Architecture? How does it work?

Hello folks, In last a couple of years , due to increased cloud adoption, there has been a growing trend towards the adoption of microservices architecture for building large-scale software systems, not just in Java world but also in .NET and other programming languages.

With this shift, new design patterns and techniques have emerged to help developers manage the complexity and scalability of these systems.

One such pattern is Event sourcing, which is gaining popularity as a way to build systems that can easily track changes and recover from failures.

In last few articles, I have explained you about various Microservice design patterns like SAGA, API Gateway, Circuit-Breaker, and CQRS and in this article, I will tell you about Event sourcing pattern, another important pattern for Microservice interview questions perspective.

Event sourcing is a Microservice design pattern that involves capturing all changes to an application’s state as a sequence of events, rather than simply updating the state itself.




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