What is Database Per Microservices Pattern? What Problem does it solve?

Breaking Down Monoliths: How the Database Per Microservice Pattern Can Transform Your Architecture



What is Database Per Microservices Pattern? What Problem does it solve?

Hello folks, as the demand for microservices architecture continues to grow mainly due to increased adoption of cloud, developers and architects are constantly seeking ways to optimize their implementation. One approach gaining popularity is the Database per Microservice design pattern.

As the name suggests, this pattern recommends that instead of sharing a common database with other microservices, each microservice should has its own database.

This approach has several benefits, including better isolation and scalability, reduced complexity and coupling, improved performance, and easier maintenance. However, implementing this pattern requires careful consideration of the data access and management strategies, such as data synchronization and consistency, database schema design, and deployment strategies.

In the last few articles I have explained popular Microservice design patterns like Event Sourcing, SAGA, API Gateway, Circuit-Breaker, and CQRS and also shared best practices to design Microservices and In this article, we will explore the Database per Microservice design pattern and…




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