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Jessica Robichaud
21 year-old aspiring Journalist. I want to make you feel the heartache, the love, the sadness, the joy, the purity that writing has to offer to all souls. The way it can influence someone who hasn’t experienced something to feel as if they have through my words.
Note from the editor

My name is Jessica Elizabeth Robichaud. Currently, I’m working towards a BA in Journalism… more or less, I have a never ending love for writing and the way it can emotionally reflect so many things we as humans, fail to bring words to ourselves. My mum calls me a dreamer, one who is never grounded — meaning, one who never likes to stay in one place for too long. My favourite teacher is travelling, and it is the one thing you cannot learn through someone else, through some rigid all text book, or social media post. You need to go out, you need to dream, you need to see, you need to feel it all in order to truly understand what an amazing teacher travelling can be — what it can add too your life and perspective of reality and the world. People ask me all the time, what do I want to do with writing? And you know what I tell them? I say, I want to make you feel the heartache, the love, the sadness, the joy, the purity that writing has to offer to all souls.

Go to the profile of Jessica Elizabeth Robichaud
Jessica Elizabeth Robichaud
Passion for change.