今年第23屆CASH流行曲創作大賽請投我編曲的一首”1. 追追追”.
追追追作曲:Kay Wai 作詞:曾紀諾 編曲: Jony C
身披火箭 從小鬥進展贏輸在於起跑線 從不想探險身經幾百戰 認證就過千精彩童年 光陰似箭 已經不見如果 當天可以給我試多次無論按大志 還是去亂試 統統都可以
Just downloaded PD again after many years of deserting it. The motivation is to write a performance patch. I hope I will follow through with it.
This is nothing useful yet. It’s just capturing the audio, multiplying the signal and output…
After my brother moved out and remodeling the house, I got an extra room for music recording. I’ve moved everything from the living room into the new music room. My friends would also cramp in there when we practice. One problem with a small space is room…