Top Stories published by josh lewis in 2004

The Vine and the Branches. Ow.

I was reading the book of John this morning, and I came across John 15:1–2. I’ve read this before, but something about it struck me more distinctly this time. These are the words of Jesus:

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts…

Citroën C4 Ad

You may have already seen this ad for the Citroën C4 car. It’s been on the web for awhile. Nonetheless it’s amazingly well done, and fans of The Transformers will certainly love it. Check out that life-like motion!

That would really hurt if you were inside the car when it happened.

I’m A U.S.E.r

A few weeks ago I posted an entry about a band called Chromeo wherein I said that I thought they were pretty cool. Well, they’re alright, but they don’t have the amazing staying power of a first-class act. They’re slightly novel, and that’s about it. However, in the comments of that entry, an old…

These were the top 10 stories published by josh lewis in 2004. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2004 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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