Go to Framework
Designing the ONA Experience
Note from the editor

Whether we’re refreshing a brand, hosting a virtual event or identifying key questions for a webpage should address, design strategy is integral to how our team serves the ONA community. Framework is a space for us to share what’s happening behind the scenes as we design the ONA experience.

Go to the profile of Online News Association
Online News Association
The world’s largest association of digital journalists. ONA’s mission is to inspire innovation and excellence among journalists to better serve the public.
Go to the profile of Adam Nekola
Adam Nekola
Senior Digital Manager @ONA; Formerly @nwherald, @pewresearch, @fiscalnote. Softball pitcher; journalist; pizza. Grad of @Illinois_Alma.
Go to the profile of Karolle Rabarison
Karolle Rabarison
Exploring technology, media, and human rights. Currently leading communications at @ONA.
Go to the profile of Adam Nekola
Adam Nekola
Senior Digital Manager @ONA; Formerly @nwherald, @pewresearch, @fiscalnote. Softball pitcher; journalist; pizza. Grad of @Illinois_Alma.
Go to the profile of Meghan Murphy
Meghan Murphy
ESL teacher, runner, language nerd. Passionate about achieving education equity. Building digital journalism communities @ONA. Views mine // meghanmurphy.me
Go to the profile of Jessica Strelitz
Jessica Strelitz
@ONA partnerships. Food & drinks writer. Past: @smartbrief @usatoday news/sports. Maine native, @carnegiemellon grad. #fightMS, #vawine & NE sports. Momx2
Go to the profile of Trevor Knoblich
Trevor Knoblich
Chief Knowledge Officer, ONA