Two Number Sum — Part I

This marks the beginning of Sooinc’s and my pair programming journey to solve this problem from AlgoExpert. Suppose we have a function that takes in an array of distinct integers and an integer that represents the target sum. How do we find any two integers in the input array that will…

Two Number Sum — Part II

In Part I of the “Two Number Sum” problem series, my partner soniasusanto took you through the brute force solution as well as an optimized approach that uses sorting and pointers to improve the time complexity.

Reverse a Linked List II: Part 1


This week, Malinda Lin and I decided to work together on a linked list problem from LeetCode in Javascript, and then explain it to some of our peers. Here is the problem:

You are given a singly linked list…
Journey to becoming an Algoat
Journey to becoming an Algoat
Follow along our journey in mastering algorithms.
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