Target Types

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Jeffrey Rawizza
4 min readSep 30, 2020


What is Capstone?

Project Statement

What is a Target Type?

A target type is similar to a persona in that it a guide of what type of person that you are designing for. They are the people who you are expecting to be using your app. Where the target type differs is that they focus on a group of people more so than a single person. The group is based off of stereotypes, and assumptions about the types of people that would fall into that group. The reason for this is to create a broader scope of who will be using your app.

My Target types

Content Machine

Short Description:
The Content Machine is someone who is a young adult, fresh from or still in school. They are usually either already working in a creative field, or are trying to get in to a creative field. They have a passion for creating, be that for work or for pleasure. They enjoy the process of creating something just as much as seeing the final product, if not a little more. These people are almost always working on some sort of project, be that for work, or for themselves.


  • Young adult, fairly fresh out of school probably 18–35
  • Want easy and dynamic way to post content
  • Love to create things, anything and everything
  • Constantly has some sort of project
  • Is always working
  • Enjoys the process just as much as the outcome
  • Get in the zone easily and just keeps going
  • Work in so sort of creative field, or is trying to work in a creative field

For my research I found some people on instagram who Fit into this target type. Each person works in in a creative field, who posts artwork almost daily.

Lost in Scroll

Short Description:
The Lost In Scroll is someone who just want to kill some time, or procrastinate on something that they should be working on. They spend most of their time scrolling though and looking at what other people have created. Liking posts and reading and responding to comments. This group of people tend to post their own content rarely, if at all.


  • Wants some way to waste time
  • Will occasionally create content, but main use of the app is to view others content
  • Spends time in the comment section on post
  • gets stuck scrolling and looking at content for hour
  • usually tends to procrastinate often

This article enforces this target type because it talks about why people get stuck scrolling for hours on social media. The article is from GCFglobal and is a part of a larger article about digital literacy.

Casual Cupcake

Short Description:
The Casual Cupcake is a young adult who has a busy or active lifestyle. They don’t spend much time on social media apps as they are working or doing other things that interest then. When they are on the app they are not on for long, either just to make a post, or just to see what their friends have been up to.


  • Young adult with a more active, or busy lifestyle
  • Isn’t on the app to frequently
  • Opens the app a couple times a week, to post or look at what there friends are up to
  • Don’t spend much time on the app

Social Gamer

Short Description:
The Social Gamer is someone who just wants to have fun with their friends, they are probably a young adult or middle aged. They use games as we way to connect with their friends and be social. They might have a bit of passion for creative creation, but mainly just wanna have fun with their friends. They don’t take the games too seriously but are still competitive. They like to talk and interact with their friends during the game. They really enjoy party games where they can have lots of their friends play together at the same time.


  • Wants to interact with friends to have a good time
  • Main focus is having fun and an enjoyable experience
  • enjoys playing games where interacting is necessary
  • likes to talk during the game
  • Enjoys party games
  • doesn’t care about creating something good, mainly want to create something funny
  • very unserious, but maybe a bit competitive

This article from digital trends talks about the popular Jackbox games, which is a digital collection of a few party games. The article shows the most popular games in the collection, the first one being Drawful. Drawful is game where the payers are all give a prompt to draw to then the other users give answers to what the prompt was. All the players then vote on the best answer, the person whose answer has the most votes getting the most points. As the target for Jackbox is young adult and is centered around party games, I think that this enforces this target type.



Jeffrey Rawizza

I am an Interactive Design Major at Maryville University. My main interests in Interactive Design are animation, illustrations, and web development.