AWS — Essentials

Intro to AWS — AWSSeries # Episode 00

7 min readDec 30, 2020


Here I will deploy Ubuntu 20 at AWS EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud).

Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services. Free to join, pay only for what you use.

Fig 1. AWS plug-N-Play! Let’s boot the new server in A Minute with AWS \o\

Hi, as you know, I like to learn by running something on my machine (But here we will run somewhere else:).

In this post let us taste what Amazon has to offers to a hobbyist like me:)

Why don’t we go on and deploy an image on the AWS EC2 web service?

Later I will install Mosquitto in the cloud (Please refers to my mosquitto episodes).

Let’s do it now!

Our solution will contain Ubuntu 20, web server, Apache, PHP, MQTT Mosquitto Broker, MariaDB database e PHPMyAdmin to managing tables: it is a LAMP for those who use WordPress or Wix!

We need an account on the Amazon website.

Fig 2. AWS Portal

01#Step — In the AWS Management Console, click at EC2 (1).

Fig 3. Note that we are using the Oregon Edge location (2).

02#Step — Scroll down the page a bit and click on the Launch instance orange button right away:)

Fig 4. launching an image on EC2 \o/

03#Step — Search for ubuntu 20 (1), select Ubuntu 20 (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) image (2), and click the Select button (3);

Fig 5. Choosing Ubuntu 20!

04#Step — The next window will tell you about prices; choose one and click Continue;

Fig 6. The prices for each instance: we will choose t2 micro

05#Step —We will choose, t2 micro (1);

This image is an excellent choice for our future IoT project; we will have 1GB of memory (2), more than enough for now, lower network traffic (3), and support for IPv6 (MQTT uses this as layer 3 protocol)… remember, the cloud solution is scalable…

Fig 7. click Next: Configure Instance Details

06#Step — In this AWS third step, we will keep the default settings;

Fig 8. Click on Next: Add Storage (1)

07#Step — In this AWS fourth step, we will keep the standard of 8 gigs; Let’s move forward …

Fig 9. Click Next: Add Tags (1)

08#Step — In this, we will not use any tags. We must move on …

Fig 10. No tags at all! Click Next: Configure Security Group (1)

09#Step — In this AWS sixth step, Give this group a name (Mosq_Group), then let’s open HTTP, HTTPS, and 2 customs ports, 1883 and 8883 (used by mosquitto broker).

Fig 11. Click Review and Launch; IP Anywhere in the world can access the ports:)

10#Step — The wizard warns us that any machine anywhere in the world will be able to access our Mosq_Group ports. That’s exactly what we want ….Hit Launch(1)!

Fig 12. Mosq_Groups are insegure!

11#Step — Now let’s create a key pair for our server: Choose to Create a new key pair (1), name it as ubuntu_20_server_keys(2), Click Download Key Pair (3), and a .pem file (4) will be downloaded to your platform.

Fig 13. Be very careful with these keys, as it will not be possible to recover them. Keep it in a known directory!

And there you have it!

If you return to your EC2 Dashboard you will see your ubuntu 20 instance running!

Fig 14. Here is our final result: Ubuntu 20.04 is up and running \o/


In the next episode, we are going to access Ubuntu via SSH.

See you soon!

Continue reading:)

What we will be dealing with in that #AWSSeries episodes?

MOD1: Intro to AWS cloud computing;

MOD2: Foundational Services (EC2/VPC/S3/EBS);

MOD3: Database: DynamoDB, RDS;

MOD4: AWS Elasticity & Management Tolls (Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon Cloudwatch, AWS Trusted Advisor)

What is AWS?

It is all about computing services. It enables businesses and developers to use web services to build scalable and sophisticated applications.

When AWS starts?

2006, from when the term cloud computing was coined.

What’s cool about AWS?

Its portfolio is constantly innovating and there is no need to upgrade deploy or migrate when a feature announcement is ready; they push it out and it is instantly available to any customer that uses that service.

How many services are available nowadays (Dez 2020)?

2000 Services and Features.

Who are the main AWS customers?




What regions is AWS operating on?

What are AWS core infrastructure and services?

So let’s start with the security layer.

Traditionally they would refer to things such as file access control lists and administrators.

When we come to AWS they reference them by the names of security groups.

Network access control: they have a service called AWS Identity Access Management (AWS IAM) which allows us to control the use of based access to the platform.

And what those users can do within the AWS environment in the networking layer? a very important component is on the right-hand side is the VPC or Virtual Private Cloud which they create.

We still have to assign IP addresses and all those things that you were traditional and familiar with and they create subnets within those environments and it’s within that the PC they launch the application services that we can use.

There are lots of other components and services that we interact with as part of that network plan including things like Elastic Load Balancing.

Then when coming to our server layer you have two constructs being shown.

The first one is Amazon Machine Images (AMI).

So this is like an image of an operating system that we can use to create an easy instance or a virtual server running in the cloud (We did it here:)

And then finally when we come down to storage and databases whether it’s Amazon Elastic blocks so elastic fall service as three simple storage service or you’re storing data in a fully managed Amazon relational database service there are lots of different choices and it’s very important that we choose the right one based on cost and performance for our applications.

What are the 6 advantages & Benefits of AWS Cloud Computing?

That’s all for this post o/

In the next post, we will be installing the certificates of LetsEncrypt in our remote Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image.

See you soon…

Credits & References

Microgênios — Treinamento em Sistemas Embarcados — Microchip Regional Partner — Microchip Certified Brazilian Training Education Startup & a Simplício-owned enterprise o/

AWS Essentials — Learn from AWS technical instructors about the AWS Platform, global infrastructure, security, and the core services by Udemy

This course is delivered by actual AWS technical instructors who teach fundamental and advanced AWS courses around the globe. In this course, you will learn essential concepts of the AWS global infrastructure, platform, and core services, so that you can begin, or, continue your journey of growing your business using AWS Cloud technology. We encourage your participation on the discussion board and feel free to ask any questions about the course or AWS certification.

How to connect to an EC2 instance using SSH by (Ishida’s suggestion:)

AWS Documentation by Amazon

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05#Episode — Soon… Be tuned!:)




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!