How to Link Your Sub/Domain Name With Your AWS Instance Running Ubuntu — AWSSeries # Episode 03

5 min readJan 4, 2021


In this post we will show you, from the very beginning, how to register a domain for your IoT project and redirect it to your Ubuntu instance, running in the cloud! this continues this previous post.

Hi, I’m from Brazil, and I register this domain here:

Fig 1. I register my domain for 3 years! This post follows a series. Init it here!

You have to search in your country which institution registers a domain officially.

Fine. Now come with me:

01#Step — As said, I just bought ownership for my domain(3 years);

02#Step — Go to your AWS Management Console and point it to this service:

Fig 2. Route53

03#Step — Click this button: Create hosted zone:

Fig 3. Create hosted zone

What is a Hosted Zone AWS?

A hosted zone is an Amazon Route 53 concept. A hosted zone is analogous to a traditional DNS zone file; it represents a collection of records that can be managed together, belonging to a single parent domain name. All resource record sets within a hosted zone must have the hosted zone’s domain name as a suffix. (from AWS FAQ)

04#Step — Config hosted zone like this:

Fig 4. Note that there is no www subdomain here. We leave it to record…Now Click this button:

05#Step — Now this screen opens showing us our DNS domain; Get each one of these address and transport it to your Registrar site (

Fig 5. AWS Route53 offers you DNS Servers Address (4 NSs)

06#Step — Now return to your Registrar site dashboard ( and save each of these addresses in your DNS (we will replace the local DNS with AWS DNS):

Fig 6. Click +DNS to add more DNS; Click Save Settings.

07#Step — From that point, we will have the propagation of the names of these servers pointing to your IP. It can usually last for hours … Wait for confirmation from your domain registrar.

08#Step — Now return to EC2, copy your IP Address:

Fig 7. Getting our Ubuntu instance IP address

09#Step —Now, open AWS Services>Route53:

Fig 8. Open Route53 Dashboard…
Fig 9. Select your hosted zone…
Fig 10. And Create a Record…
Fig 11. Note how I have set my parameters! Hit Create records button!

Now, when someone on the internet types they will be redirected to this IP address.

We here could make a subdomain, like,, or, etc. It is up to you to choose one sub/domain that represents your project better!

Ready now, just wait for the propagation of the DNS name.

For the test, sometime later, just type:

And should appear on our test page from the previous lesson:

Fig 12. Type this /index.php or…
Fig 13. by browsing see the Apache welcome page! saying that your remote Ubuntu instance is up and running!

For more info please watch this video or read this post: )

For now, That is it!

In the next AWS Episode, it’s for real: LetsEcrypt!

Bye o/

Fig 14. Waiting for DNS propagation!

\o/ PRO-PA-GA-TE\o/:

Fig 15. Yeah! Check it out: type:
Fig 16. That’s it! now (See system time…)

Credits & References

Microgênios — Treinamento em Sistemas Embarcados — Microchip Regional Partner — Microchip Certified Brazilian Training Education Startup & a Simplício-owned enterprise o/

AWS Essentials — Learn from AWS technical instructors about the AWS Platform, global infrastructure, security, and the core services by Udemy

This course is delivered by actual AWS technical instructors who teach fundamental and advanced AWS courses around the globe. In this course, you will learn essential concepts of the AWS global infrastructure, platform, and core services, so that you can begin, or, continue your journey of growing your business using AWS Cloud technology. We encourage your participation on the discussion board and feel free to ask any questions about the course or AWS certification.

AWS Documentation by Amazon

Verify your SSL, TLS & Ciphers implementation By Chandan Kumar

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😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️