Prep our Remote Ubuntu to Run an MQTT Broker — AWSSeries # Episode 02

5 min readDec 31, 2020


Let’s install these packages in our remote Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image:

We are preparing our environment to run an MQTT Broker, mosquitto from the Eclipse project repo (next post:).

Here are the scripts, step-by-step:

video 1. Note: During installation, I had not noticed that my numeric keypad was locked, and when typing the password for the phpmyadmin user, it got only the characters without the numbers; the error on phpMyAdmin dashboard originated from that typo; but continuing, resilience, this is the word, I, as a legitimate hobbyist, ended up correcting the password by typing: sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin (site) \o/

Related Posts

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01#Episode — AWS — Login to Ubuntu 20 — Access Remote Ubuntu via PuTTY SSH Session — AWSSeries

02#Episode — AWS — LAMP — Prep our Remote Ubuntu to Run an MQTT Broker — AWSSeries (this one)

03#Episode — AWS — IP Plus DNS — How to Link Your Sub/Domain Name With Your AWS Instance Running Ubuntu — AWSSeries

04#Episode — AWS — LetsEncrypt — How To Installing the TLS / SSL LetsEncrypt Certificate on Remote Ubuntu Server 20.04 — AWSSeries

05#Episode — Soon… Be tuned!:)

Fig 1. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on the cloud!

Credits & References

Microgênios — Treinamento em Sistemas Embarcados — Microchip Regional Partner — Microchip Certified Brazilian Training Education Startup & a Simplício-owned enterprise o/

AWS Essentials — Learn from AWS technical instructors about the AWS Platform, global infrastructure, security, and the core services by Udemy

This course is delivered by actual AWS technical instructors who teach fundamental and advanced AWS courses around the globe. In this course, you will learn essential concepts of the AWS global infrastructure, platform, and core services, so that you can begin, or, continue your journey of growing your business using AWS Cloud technology. We encourage your participation on the discussion board and feel free to ask any questions about the course or AWS certification.

AWS Documentation by Amazon

Apache The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition by O’Reilly’s CD bookshelves

Fig 2. This is my FileZillla dashboard ready to rock!

At this point and time, I just want to say thank you for sticking along with Jungletronics & Kidstronics and I’m hoping you’ve learned a lot from it as well as have had a good time as much as I had; so just a quick bye: Happy New 2021 Year! Here Comes The Sun!




😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️