Solar Turret V 1.1

Improving Design 4 Learning More — ArduSerie #69

4 min readJan 26, 2019


Hello, I now revisit the J3 turret solar tracker project relearning and reexamining the design features better.

I replaced the backup servo by this servo: S06NF STD. It has an actuating force 13 kg/cm and a Metal drive.

Now it is stronger than the previous one and I noted the pertinent observations at the end of this post and also the Pitfalls & Loopholes for your convenience :) Check it out!


Optimized for smartphone:)

Shopping List


Schematics & PCB

Get the complete Fritzing file project from my Google Drive
There is a possibility to make a shield for Arduino. Tell me if you succeed…I Will look forward to hearing from you:)
Thanks to my friend for the ability to simplify. He who knows simplifies!

Future Implementations

Pitfalls & Loopholes

Peel this wire and remove RJ11 wires

In the next step is to use Arduino Pro Mini;

I saved some photos of the project; If you're curious, take a look at the photos on my Google Drive.

Thank you for the visit and see you later :)


Download All Files For This Project

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Reference And Credits:

Arduino Sun Tracker Turret © CC0

— Published @ Jan 2019 —

Thank you for the visit! I see you guys in the next episode…

Look what’s coming? Solar Turret v2! Subscribe now!




😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️