Home Press Releases Federal Judge Orders IRS to Issues Withheld $1,200 Stimulus Checks to Persons in Carceral Settings

Federal Judge Orders IRS to Issues Withheld $1,200 Stimulus Checks to Persons in Carceral Settings

VCBR Coronavirus Outbreak Prompts Virginia’s National Guard to Take Action

Brandon Smith October 26, 2020Press Coverage, stories, Top Stories, updates

A Virginia shadow prison is currently in the midst of a COVID-19 outbreak, and many people locked…

Virginia Lawmakers Call Shadow Prisons “Appalling”

Kirsten Darby July 21, 2020Top Stories, updates


Featuring Senator Joe Morrissey, Delegate Patrick Hope, and Delegate Don Scott with Moderator Gin Carter of the…

Just Future Project
Just Future Project
Dedicated to publications regarding all aspects of pre-crime preventative detention.
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