Top Stories published by KADIRA VOICE in 2015

Meteor Meets GraphQL

We have been using GraphQL at Kadira for about four months. Everyone at Kadira loves it. We introduced Learn GraphQL…

Rethinking Redux

Redux is awesome. This is not about extending Redux or trying to create a new Flux library. This is about rethinking some patterns around Redux.

What is Redux?

Meteor Up & Let’s Encrypt’s FREE SSL

You’ve probably already heard the big news. Let’s Encrypt is now in public beta, enabling the whole world to send encrypted and trustworthy traffic over the internet. SSL certificates are no longer expensive. In fact, they come at the best price in the world: FREE!!

Using GraphQL Inside a React Native App

React Native is awesome. If you are trying to use GraphQL inside a React Native app, you…

From MeteorHacks to KADIRA VOICE

I started the MeteorHacks blog in early 2013 as a way to blog about my experience in Meteor. Eventually that led to a bunch of useful articles and projects like Laika, FastRender, SubsManager and many more projects.

Testing Meteor Up — It’s Harder Than We Thought

As you may already know, we here at Kadira are busy building a modular version of Meteor Up. We are planning to release it in February 2016. It’s based on mupx with some fixes for common issues. Most importantly, we will be able to get new…