Go to Kapwa-Co
We are taking a personal approach. We are embracing the value of kapwa. We explore, we navigate our culture & identity in the era of globalization and growing Filipinx diaspora. Based in the American South.
Note from the editor

Dear Reader, what does Kapwa mean? [1. Having humanity for ourselves.] A sense of Kapwa is the recognition that everyone makes mistakes and no one is without their weaknesses, including ourselves. As one part of humanity — don’t exclude yourself from the circle of compassion. Remember, you yourself deserve your kindness. [2. Having humanity for the others in the tribe.] This may be lost in translation and practice within our modern day community (ahem, politics / chismis), however, it is still carried over when we move to new spaces and meet other Filipinx. This Kapwa allows us to embrace every Filipinx in the diaspora — meaning, we overcome what shared history, unique upbringing, social status, or ‘diaspora’ there is, in favor of forming connections and family. [3. Seeing ourselves in the other.] This is the feeling we want to embody, not just within the Filipinx community, but also without. Bringing the spirit of being that auntie or tito or mentor to people who aren’t full Filipinx or Filipinx at all, but simply because they are just as human as you. So join us, please, as we highlight diasporic stories from the American South.

Go to the profile of Jenah Maravilla
Jenah Maravilla
I am because you are. Co Author of Filipinos in Houston. http://jnhm.carrd.co
Go to the profile of Trisha Morales
Go to the profile of christiantoledo