She had the Power and I Wanted it with All my Heart(Day 47)

Reading was magic to me and still is


Not quite two years old I was already in love with books

My best friend was learning to read. She could turn letters into words. Words made stories. I wanted that power. I wanted to do what the big kids did.

Stories were fun. Story time meant feeling safe, cozy and loved. I snuggled closer to my mom when the troll came out from under the bridge grumbling “who’s that tripp-trapping over my bridge?” Safe in my dad’s lap in the reading chair, when the big bad wolf huffed, I huffed, and when he puffed, I puffed.

Even before I understood the words, stories meant comfort and adventure. I couldn’t get enough.

Thanks to my big sis for knowing how glad I would be to see this photo again.

A book-loving naturist before the age of two, I haven’t changed much in half a century.

Follow Karen and Jane’s 100 words for 100 days challenge, May 16-Aug 24. Thanks to Zane Dickens for suggesting the challenge.

I am a library enthusiast and I dance with a royal python named Chloe. I’ve always loved stories. It’s about time I start telling them.

Check out my cool friend Jane

