Start Here if you are Afraid of Dogs, Want to Grow your Brain, Save the World, or be a Princess Mermaid Adventurer(Day 20)

I’m on a quest to find my ideal reader and it might be you!


photo of a mermaid under water
Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

I believe words on the page can nourish the brain, broaden the mind, soothe, delight, inspire, and save lives.

I write for people who are afraid of dogs like I used to be. And rebels against the guilt, shame, and unworthiness instilled by parents, church, and society.

I write for librarians who should rule the world, but are under attack from anti-intellectuals, book-banners and hate-spreaders.

I write for people fighting with their parents, children, siblings, in-laws, about politics, vaccines, global warming.

I write for little girls who want to grow up to be princess-mermaid-adventurers.

The 100 word story challenge is easy and hard at the same time- so much to fit in so few words!

Today I was inspired by Medium’s Creators Hub post Who Do You Write For?

If I just wrote for myself, I would keep a journal. These days I believe that if some of the life lessons I’ve learned over the past half-century might…

