Top Stories published by Karuna Sehgal in 2016

Building A Sinatra App

For the second assessment project at the Flatiron Learn Verified Online Program, I was required to build a Sinatra MVC (Model View Controller) Application, using ActiveRecord. I remember when I created my CLI Ruby gem, I was intimated with creating an application from scratch. I felt…

Building a Rails app using TDD, Devise, Omniauth, and Nested forms

For the third assessment project at the Flatiron Learn Verified Online Program, I was required to build a Rails (Model View Controller) Application. This also involved using Authentication gems like Devise and…

My Rails app, Food Travels, now with a jQuery Front End

For the fourth assessment project at the Flatiron Learn Verified Online Program, I was required to build a jQuery front end to my previous project. You can read about the making of Food Travels on this blog post and check out the code…

My New Association/Relationship with ActiveRecord

Through the Flatiron School’s Learn Verified Online Program, I am exposed to various topics like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQL, ORMs, Sinatra, Ruby, Ruby on Rails and ActiveRecord. Thus far ActiveRecord has been the most challenging topic for me.

My First Ruby CLI Gem -> Bollywood

As a requirement for the Flatiron Learn Verified Online Program, I had to make a CLI Ruby Gem. The requirement for the project was to create a gem with CLI that a user can interact with. Being an naive and enthusiastic Rubyist, I looked forward to this project…

Karuna Sehgal
Woman on a mission — to live the best life possible!! A Full Stack Web Developer
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