Top Stories published by Keith Hennessey in May of 2010

Proud to underfund employee pensions?

The “tax extenders” bill, which yesterday I relabeled The Hypocrisy Act of 2010, contains some little-discussed provisions that would allow certain firms to further underfund their employee pensions. Advocates for the legislation promote this as a virtue…

Employment trend vs. employment level

Yesterday we looked at the difference between the rate of growth of GDP and the level of GDP. Both matter. Today I’d like to do the same for employment.

Before I do, I want to point to some posts from Greg Mankiw (here, here, and here)…

Headed in the right direction. Must go faster.

When the rate of job loss began to slow last August, the President said the U.S. economy was “pointed in the right direction.” He was wrong then. The U.S. economy is now headed in the right direction. That’s good news. But it’s getting there way…

The Hypocrisy Act of 2010

The House will soon vote on a new version of the “tax extenders+ bill,” which is formally labeled H.R. 4213, The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010.

Must … not … call it … Stimulus IV.

A $50 B fig leaf

House Democrats have modified their “extenders” bill and appear to be bringing it to the floor for a vote today. Monday’s version would have increased the deficit by $134 B over the next decade. Today’s version would increase the deficit by $84 B over that same timeframe. What hard choices did the…

Keith Hennessey
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