Top Stories published by Kickstarter Tips in 2016

Two Years In: How We Spent the Kickstarter Money, Where We Are Now & What’s Next for Ghost

Last year Ghost creator John O’Nolan decided to recount his Kickstarter experience; sharing every step of the intricate, community building process.

Kickstarter: A success story (And some essential tips.)

by Ian Lynam

Creator Ian Lynam debuted his book, Parting It Out, on Kickstarter last year. We were pretty impressed with his incredibly detailed project updates and overall enthusiasm. In this post, Ian

How to Create a Practically Perfect Pop-Up

Three years ago, we started miLES — originally Made in the Lower East Side — as a way to help designers, artists, and entrepreneurs find vacant storefronts and create dazzling pop-up events and experiences right in their own backyards. There are a lot of…

What do you think of $1 rewards?

This week’s Campus Convo is all about $1 rewards. Learn how creators use this reward tier to grow their community, one virtual high-five at a time.

These were the top 10 stories published by Kickstarter Tips in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Kickstarter Tips
Welcome to Kickstarter Tips, a publication edited by Kickstarter’s Community Education team. We’re using this space to amplify stories about all things project-related. If you’re a Kickstarter creator and have written about your project or creative process, share it with us!
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