Arduino UNO — Quick Intro

A Workshop in BSB with the Kids :) — kidSerie#10

4 min readDec 1, 2018


Hi, Let’s decipher the Arduino?

This is a special edition for the kids in BSB.

Here are the slides:

Click * Options > Open Speaker Notes and enjoy presenting the slides to your classmates by following the text :) Learn Teaching!

And here is the same article translated to Portuguese (click * Options > Open Speaker Notes and have fun by presenting it yourself):

Click * Options > Open Speaker Notes e divirta-se apresentando os slides aos coleguinhas seguindo o texto :) Aprenda ensinando!

Minimum Components For Initialization In Arduino

COMPONENTS           (TUTORIAL PUBLISHED BY J3) Prototyping Box:
Protoboard 400
Arduino UNO R3
Sensors and actuators Box:
Joystick Grove (Making Ideas Shine with Johnny-Five!!)
Sensor de Distância Ultrassônico(Sonar Judge The Dist. Circuit)
Micro Servo 9g SG90 TowerPro (Making Ideas Shine w Johnny-Five!!)
Garra Robótica Croc v2
Tools Box:
Jogo de Chaves Fenda e Phillips
Electronics Components Box:
LED Difuso 5mm Verde x10 Unidades
LED Difuso 5mm Vermelho x10 Unidades
Led Rgb Alto Brilho Difuso 5mm
Led Alto Brilho 5mm Branco x1 Unidades
Diodo Laser 5v Arduino
Helpeful kit Box:
Kit Pocket Kit de Componentes Eletrônicos
Módulo Buzzer 5V Passivo
Display 7 Segmentos 1 Dígito
CI Decodificador CD4511 (Top 27 Hobbyists Chips)
Sensor de Luminosidade LDR 5mm
Kit Jumpers M/M
Kit Jumpers M/F
Kit Jumpers F/F
Módulo Bluetooth RS232 HC-05 (Park Assist I w/ MIT App Inventor 2)
Módulo WiFi ESP8266 ESP-01 (MIT App Inventor 2 Meets Esp8266!!!)
Adaptador para ESP8266
ORAllInOnePackage + Tutorials(in Portuguese):

First Codes — Code I

We need to flash an LED. Let’s say I want to flash an LED connected to Pin 3; This is our Hello World!

For Ino File: _10_Blinking_LED_01
Blinking LED with the Arduino running autonomously in 9 volts (J3 Resistance wheel?)

Code II

Now the LED is under your command! Push the button to Light it up!

For Ino File: _10_PushButton_02

Code III

Let’s add a potentiometer and send the analog signal to control the intensity of the LED, called PWM. Do not be scared, the names we see later, see how it works and that’s it!

For Ino File: _10_SimulateAnalogOutput_03

Code IV

With the same analog signal of the previous code, we will control the Servo; just add the library:)

Ant claw (garra de formiga) in action:b

Code V

In this last code, the button and the potentiometer work together …

Now, how to design a product. We followed Jeremy Blum’s primer; see translations.

Here is an infographic from Jeremy Blum translated into Portuguese and aimed to guide you in creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

Explaining MVP

Conclusion (AFTER THE CLASS…)

The initial difficulty of the children seems to me at first to have the vision of the whole. I think everything in electronics comes down to this figure:

Input — processing — output or more specifically for hobbyists on duty: sensors — controller — actuators; have the vision of the whole demand sleep on the project and wake up thinking, rethinking and understanding slowly all the concepts involved and systems theory, above; )

Remember, do not give up! Sometimes we plan more than we try. Know that when we put our hand to work we have to work hard! nothing comes for free…

No pain, no gain!

The secret, after all: Have fun! Bye for now!

Download All Files For This Project

Credits & References

The “Idea to Innovation Flowchart” is now Available for Sale

Collin’s Lab: Arduino

GitHub Repo

Thanks to my nephews Raul and Hugo; Thank you for listening and giving me the opportunity to share my passion;-)

— J3 and the boys met on December 2, 2018, while attending a seminar for working on BSB

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Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!