Mobile Auth with Play! and SecureSocial

At FortyTwo, we’ve been using the SecureSocial library for authentication. This allows users to log in with social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook and lets us access information from those networks in our application.

Scala macro annotations: a real-world example

TL;DR: Also, sign up for Kifi.

Scala macros can be a great tool to reduce boilerplate code. For example, Play provides macros for easily creating Json serializers. Given a case class, it is…

Using Database Dialects within Play Framework

This post follows up on the Scala Slick Database Drivers & Type-Safing Session Concurrency post where we discussed the abstraction layer we’re implementing on top of the slick driver and db access. In the post we mention we’re using DatabaseDialect…

Testing with Akka and Guice

In our last post, we explained how we use Guice with Akka Actors. You’ll notice there were a few components involved, including the ActorBuilder, which really just creates an ActorRef using our ActorSystem and a Provider for the actor. The ActorBuilder makes it possible to create…

Automated Backup and Restoration of Lucene Indices with Amazon S3

At FortyTwo, we rely on a main database hosted on RDS to store Kifi‘s critical user data. For instance, every keep (a user-page pair) is saved in there after the Kifi browser extension that sits on your computer sent…

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