Top Stories published by Knoldus - Technical Insights in September of 2010

Combine Multiple BIRT Designs To Generate Single Report

We use BIRT for generating reports in our application. Currently we have a suite of report designs that covers various parts of the application. Reports are generated on demand by the user. The application required the functionality…

Google App Engine: Understanding Caching

If you have been following the Google App Engine downtime notify group then you would realize that the datastore has been behaving erratically over the last 2 weeks. Though we had been thinking about exploiting Memcache for caching for a while now, but the…

There Should be Tracer Bullets in Each Sprint

Tracer Bullets, as the name implies helps you trace the trajectory and the position where they hit the target. They are just like the regular bullets except that they have a modified base to contain pyrotechnic charge. This composition burns brightly…

Performance Tuning Java Applications on Google App Engine

Performance Tuning is one of the stages of taking your application to production which you can seldom avoid. Irrespective of the fact whether you have taken all good performance practices into account, there is something or the…

Multitenancy in Google App Engine: Scope of NamespaceManager

As you would have read in our previous post, we used the Namespace API to make the SaaS application that we were working on multi-tenant in a matter of four hours.

Duplicate Code? Replace One/Many Distinctions with Composite

After the first post on how to introduce Null Object, in this second post on how to write clean(er) code, let us look at one of the very frequent occurrence. At least something that I have seen quite often. You too would have…

These were the top 10 stories published by Knoldus - Technical Insights in September of 2010. You can also dive into daily archives for September of 2010 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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