Top Stories published by Knoldus - Technical Insights in September of 2011

Create web application menus using the Lift web framework

Lift is a powerful & secure web framework having elegant features and also stresses the importance of security, maintainability, scalability and performance. Lift applications are written in Scala.

Power of Parallel Processing in Akka

If you have been following the Inphina blog and our work with Scala related technologies, you would have noticed a spurt in our blog feeds. The reason being that we have recently come out of a very successful massively scalable framework created with Akka. Inphina…

Manage Akka Actors With Supervisors

We are building a concurrent and massively scalable system using Akka framework. Akka uses light-weight Actor paradigm of managing concurrency.

Most of the times a bunch of Akka actors are required for a common functionality; therefore we do…

Using Akka Dispatchers In Scala

Akka dispatchers are extremely important in Akka framework. They are directly responsible for optimal performance, throughput and scalability.

Akka supports dispatchers for both event-driven lightweight threads and thread-based Actors. For…

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