Top Stories published by Knoldus - Technical Insights in March of 2012

QuickKnol: Integrating Logback with Scala

Logback is the successor of Log4j and is one of the better logging frameworks around. In this post, we would quickly see how to set it up on a Scala project and how to start using it.

ZeroMQ Module In AKKA 2.0 Some Gotchas

Akka framework supports ZeroMQ in its ZeroMQ extensions module. Akka is a great framework and we have our product built on its version 1.3x. We were looking at ZeroMQ support in our product and we stumbled on this issue. We found that ZeroMQ applications built…

Intercepting Nutch Crawl Flow with a Scala Plugin

Apache Nutch, is an open source web search project. One of the interesting things that it can be used for is a crawler. The interesting thing about Nutch is that it provides several extension points through which we can plugin our custom…

Handling Large Data File Using Scala and Akka

We needed to handle large data files reaching size Gigabytes in scala based Akka application of ours. We are interested in reading data from the file and then operating on it. In our application a single line in a file forms a unit of data to be…

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