Top Stories published by Knoldus - Technical Insights in July of 2012

URL shortening with in Scala

Short URL’s are becoming the need of most of the application. We’ve used the for the URL shortening in our application. Just a little bit work to do for achieving the URL shortening with Here are the steps to do that : 

 You should have the following…

Harnessing the Power of Nutch with Scala

Knoldus was recently speaking at the IndicThreads conference in New Delhi, India. Here, we talked about Nutch and how easy it was for us to integrate it with Scala and build a scalable web crawler with less than 900 lines of code.

Building Massively Scalable Applications with Akka 2.0

Recently Knoldus, presented at the IndicThreads conference, New Delhi on the power of Akka 2.0. The case study involved a demonstration on how a major white goods company is able to analyse their social feeds in real time and respond…

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