We have already discussed about the Play development environment in Tutorial #1.
So, In this blog we would set up the WebJars, jQuery, Bootstrap & Bootswatch with…
Recently Typesafe released Slick 3.0.0-RC1, the first release candidate for “Reactive Slick”. Reactive Slick has many new features like Support for Reactive Streams API, a new API…
The following blog and attached code represent an example to compute localized messages of Play Application on client side.
This article is about to show how to send logging email using logback-test.xml, the backend is postgresql and the queries format is in slick, language used is scala.
In this presentation, I have explained brief introduction about logback and its components. I also explained about configuration of logback.xml file, appenders as File and SMTP.
[slideshare id=45422103&doc=knolxlogback-150304071539-conversion-gate01]
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We are back again with March 2015, Newsletter. Here is this Scala in Business | Knoldus Newsletter — March 2015