A Kuende Toast: Thank You 2018, Welcome 2019!

Maria Dinca
Published in
7 min readJan 9, 2019

I have met Pavel, our dear CEO and Founder, in 2016 just before Kuende’s seed investment of $2,500,000. Needless to say, he was very nervous and excited at that time, but I remember us speaking about Kuende for hours.

I’ll have to admit that I was on board in the first ten minutes, but then again, I wanted to know more. What was very funny, is the fact that I was already one of the first 10,000 that joined Kuende. A friend of mine had sent me the link via email when the product wasn’t even launched and at that time I signed up because I was excited over the idea of a social media platform born in Romania. Also very curious about how it will look like.

And somehow life happened and I was having the chance and honor to hear everything from the source. Pavel shared with me his vision for Kuende, why and how he will implement it, he showed me the product and we spoke about its flaws and upsides. From that moment I knew that at some point I will work for this project as I share his vision of making the best use of our current technologies. Plus, I am not such a fan of social media in general. At least, not of the way it’s currently performing. We can definitely do better.

Time For A Change

And Pavel was doing it better. Kuende started with his vision of a social media hybrid that encourages its users to engage in real-life interactions. That’s what got me! It started with three notebooks full of ideas, designs, questions, marks, and dreams.

And in 2018, most of them have become reality as well as my dream of joining Team Kuende.

So writing this article for me is kind of a big deal and I have spent hours thinking of the best way to speak about Kuende’s accomplishments and achievements in 2018. But I’ve soon realized, they kind of speak for themselves.

Kuende platform is already an established product where you can post videos and photos, chat with friends, search for content that interests you and listen to your favorite tune. But as mentioned, that’s not all.

2018 Biggest Accomplishments

One of our biggest achievements in 2018 is represented by the implementation of Blockchain Technology and of course, our Initial Coin Offering.

Since the very beginning, a gamified approach to social media interaction was already deeply embedded into the inner workings of our network. Therefore, Blockchain came as the next step for Kuende, enabling us to upgrade our symbolic tokens to ones of real value and decentralize the mechanics of our gamified economy to make it as secure as possible.

And this was one of the best decisions they have ever made. First of all, they were able to raise more than 18,000 ETH from the Initial Coin Offering and use the funds to perfect the product. That is very impressive considering that very few ICOs were raising funds at that time in such a reddish market. Second, as the ecosystem is built around the idea of Challenges, Kuende has always looked into designing the fairest way for its users to contribute to the creation of challenges and get rewarded.

Yahoo! Finance named Kuende “the perfect ICO model” so when the public sale has ended, the Team was more determined than ever. The implementation of the Kuende Challenges in November 2018 is by far the biggest achievement.


In several other articles, Pavel spoke about the motivation for creating Kuende. The bottom line is that, even if we are more connected than ever through numerous social media platforms, without even realizing it, we are feeling increasingly lonely.

As humans, we thrive for real-life connections and while we love our digital interactions, it has been proved that we are not that happy online and social media has started to affect our mental health. We became dependent on our phones as we have to constantly check what our friends are doing, where and how, and most times, we do it while we are with friends and family. We search for constant online appreciation in the form of likes and hearts, but when someone smiles at us randomly in the subway, we feel uncomfortable.

And the trend is getting worse, therefore, Kuende wants to rebuild the human social connection through the Kuende Challenges.

The concept itself is created to get you out of the house into the real world. It’s designed to make you create meaningful relationships with like-minded people in a fun and engaging way. We don’t want you to spend time on Kuende more than just to find your next Challenge, and then enjoy its outcome.

Kuende’s mission of delivering its vision of a tokenized, gamified, fair and secure social media platform is best served by the creation and implementation of the KUE Tokens and Kpoints as means of incentivizing users to engage with the platform and each other, not only in the digital space but also in real life.

The KUE Token offers access to certain benefits in the platform and in the near future access to premium offers and/or exclusive campaigns. Kpoints, on the other hand, can be obtained and used by any Kuende user within the platform.

2018 Was Good To Us

We were happy to find so many people that share the same vision. Among our achievements, I have to also mention the awesome partnerships Kuende has formed in the last 12 months.

We have joined forces with Sirin Labs. The outcome: Kuende is the pre-installed social media app on Finney, the first blockchain smartphone. You can follow Sirin Labs on Kuende HERE.

Bancor also became one of our dear partners. The outcome: with the Bancor integration, businesses and users can purchase KUE more easily than ever — all they’ll need is a credit card!

STOX, the hottest blockchain prediction markets platform also loves Kuende. The outcome: they will be one of the first businesses to Challenge their communities on Kuende. They are also implementing “Sign-up With Kuende” on their platform for a faster and easier onboarding process. You can follow Stox on Kuende HERE.

We want to learn from the best, so is quite obvious that we have surrounded ourselves with knowledgeable partners. IPSX is definitely one of them. The outcome: IPSX is an already established blockchain product and has shared with us their mastery, therefore making our blockchain integration easier. You can follow IPSX on Kuende HERE.

We take this moment to thank each and everyone for their support and appreciation.

Out With The Old, In With The New

The last Kuende Team Challenge in 2018 was about New Year’s Resolutions and ours is this: 2019 will be a game-changer.

We are participating in the Game-of-Stakes as a Cosmos Validator and building our way up to becoming a Zone in the Cosmos Network. This way we are preparing for the next blockchain revolution: Proof of Stake!

Our next big step is represented by the launching of the Kuende Platform in South Korea. As you might already know, the blockchain culture is very developed in this country and investors have been requesting us to enter the Asian market starting here.

Needless to say, we are very excited for the moment and we are going to celebrate this substantial move through the biggest Kuende event so far. The details of it will be revealed quite soon, so keep your eyes on us.

A New Vision For Challenges

Currently, the Kuende Challenges are available in the Alpha Version and in this stage, we are allowing our dear Community to test the Framework and be rewarded with KUE Tokens for it. Of course, this offers us the opportunity to learn as much as we can in order to further develop the product for the next step.

Starting with the Beta Version, our users will be able to use the KUE Tokens and Kpoints to purchase different customization packs but also exclusive goods and services available in our marketplace, the K-shop.

This year you will have the chance to not only participate in amazing AR Challenges for which you’ll be rewarded, but also to purchase amazing experiences and products. If you have been with us in the last year, you know by now that we are taking everything to the next level. So, please don’t think of the K-shop as of a usual marketplace where you can buy T-shirts with the company’s logo. We’ve already told you that we are set to change the way people use social media with its gamified challenges that encourage people to interact in person.

And when we say that in the K-shop you will be able to purchase experiences, we truly mean it. From a relaxing trip to Bali to a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon, the KUE Tokens and Kpoints you own will bring you what we believe it counts most in this life, real-life experiences.

This year looks promising and we are looking forward to delivering even more surprises.

In the meantime, we welcome you to join Kuende and become one of our Early Adopters so you can have your wallet filled with KUE Tokens and Kpoints.

Chat on Telegram (English): t.me/kuende

Chat on Telegram (Turkish): t.me/kuende_tr

Chat on Kakao (Korean): open.kakao.com/o/ga3QDX0

Check our Product: kuende.com

Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/Kuende.world

Follow us on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/kuende

Subscribe on YouTube: youtube.com/c/KuendecomOfficial

Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/KuendeOfficial

Follow us on Instagram: instagram.com/kuende_com

Visit ICO Website: ico.kuende.com

Contact Email: social.media@kuende.com

