Why Is Kuende The Missing Piece Of Social Media

Pavel Antohe
Published in
6 min readSep 3, 2018

You don’t need to be a fortune teller to see that social media is huge and growing every day. There are more than 2 billion current social media users, with 71% of all internet users having at least one account on a platform. This means that almost 1 out of every 4 people in the world uses the internet. In 2019, experts believe that 1 in every 3 people will be using social media.

One more fact: in 2014, the average person had 4 accounts. In 2017, they had 7. How is this possible? Let me present a concept that everyone subconsciously knows, but may never have thought of it consciously: the social media “toolbox”. Simply put, each social media platform is a “tool” that performs a “task”. Snapchat, for example, allows you to post without fear of judgment to your friends. Twitter allows you to make yourself known and comment on important issues. Instagram allows you to show all the cool things you are doing. All of these, one way or another, perform tasks.

Unfortunately, there is a task that none of these seems to perform well. There is no relationship between the online and offline. There are some platforms that have offline components, but they never seem to work in tandem with the online components. We know that online social media is the dominating presence, but it often cuts into the offline, real-life interactions that bring the most happiness. We can’t turn back time on social media. So why not change how it is used?

Kuende is the only social media that rewards you for real-life interactions and enhances your well-being. We accomplish this through our gamified challenges that get you out in the world to meet with friends and make new ones. It is the first true hybrid social media platform with both online and offline components. First, we will discuss what makes us truly unique: the offline challenges. Then we will discuss our blockchain components that make Kuende revolutionary. We will also look at the features of Kuende that offer a great online experience.

The Offline

We already know that many people have become to isolate themselves because of social media. You can read our series on rebuilding the social connection - part 1 is here, part 2 is here. Challenges are a new way to get people to spend time with each other in real life. Most challenges will involve a physical location and the actions for that location. Users that participate in the challenge receive rewards from the experience. We already know that this sort of “gamified” experience works well - one simply needs to look at Pokemon Go, or even the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

There is almost no limit to challenges because there is no real limit to creativity, hobbies, and other activities that people will enjoy. Some challenges might be relaxed - such as a hike to a landmark. Some challenges might be competitive - think obstacle course, or scavenger hunt.

Everyone stands to benefit from Kuende’s challenge feature. Users can join up with their friends, meet new ones, and get rewards for doing the things they love. Influencers can host meet-and-greets or trivia nights, authors can do book signings. Businesses can host tours or discounts as challenges.

The Online

Kuende is already a fully-fledged social media site that ties together the offline portion. On Kuende, you can post photos from the challenges you’ve participated in, listen to music, chat with friends, and search for content that interests you. You can even post content about things that interest you and get others to join in.

Kuende has already been in development for 3 years, and has received $2.6 million in funding from VC firms in order to continue expanding its offering. Watch this one minute video to get a good idea of all the things you can do on the platform.

One thing we want to make clear is how the online helps facilitate the offline. You sign up for challenges, online. You can check out all of your interests and favorite influencers, online. The offline also helps facilitate the online. You’ll stay in contact with the people that you meet in challenges, online. Rewards that you get offline can be redeemed online.

Kuende’s online platform is interest based. On Kuende, you can choose your interests and you’ll get updates related to those interests. One of our biggest issues with a lot of social media is all of the “white noise” you get. Most point towards an addiction towards “likes” as a major cause of depression and anxiety related to social media. We have designed Kuende to be different. Your online experience should be one that helps bring you up while also getting you to meet new people. Interest based focus is what separates us from the rest of the social media platforms.

The Blockchain

Privacy is one of our greatest concerns - it always has been. Even the original Kuende site had privacy settings. This has made our transition into GDPR simple, and something that we welcomed. Implementing a blockchain only helps make Kuende and our users more secure.

Our blockchain also helps tie together the online and offline through another way: Kuende Tokens (KUE) and our rewards. KUE are used to help fund challenges and get them seen on the Kuende social media platform. KUE used to create challenges are refunded once approved through the community. The community is in charge of generating the content and challenges, so they also get to choose which ones to approve. This helps keep our micro-economy unique and strong because both sides are working with each other.

By having a blockchain based platform, we present a way to help strengthen the blockchain community. In 2018, many people are worried. We are better, and stronger, together - that is our philosophy. We provide an avenue for blockchain based companies to engage with their customers. Blockchain businesses can also create real-life bounty campaigns and reward their users with tokens. This is an entirely new field that Kuende is moving in to: empowering all blockchain projects and bringing them all together. Our partners have seen this future and are already working with us on providing new content. Sirin Labs, IPSX, Civic or STOX, have created accounts on Kuende, and are even moving to implement Kuende signups on their sites.

Most importantly, we see Kuende’s blockchain as a way to make the concept more user-friendly and welcoming. Even in this enlightened age, we see many people that misunderstand, and thus fear, the changes that a blockchain or cryptocurrency represent. Education is important, and that is why Kuende and all of its partners are working together to make the process better.


Kuende is a new type of social media, and one that we believe is in an entirely new niche of social media. People have a lot of social media accounts, but they don’t have one that rewards them for engaging in their interests with like-minded people offline. Plus, they don’t have a platform that fuses their online and offline interests into one. Most platforms focus on one or the other: Kuende is the first that handles both.

Join the movement for well-being. Instead of isolating ourselves, let’s build each other up. We can’t undo what social media has done, but we can make it better. Let’s take a step forward to a brighter future. Kuende is that way forward. We hope you’ll take the step with us!

