$6,000 in prizes to be won in Band Protocol (BAND) Trading Contest

Krystal Wallet
4 min readApr 7, 2020


Trade BAND on KyberSwap to win big prizes

Join the contest here.

To celebrate the listing of BAND token on KyberSwap, we are happy to announce a joint trading contest with Band Protocol (BAND), which will be available from 07 April 21:00 to 21 April 23:59 (GMT+8). Similar to the previous contests, users will need to trade to accumulate points and the top winners will share a prize pool.

Users that successfully trade BAND by using the swap function in KyberSwap during the contest period will accumulate points based on their trade amount.

Top 53 traders will share the total trading prize pool of $5,700. Please note that to accumulate points, one of the tokens traded must be BAND (any token → BAND or BAND → any token). Limit order for BAND is not available for this contest.

$5,700 in Trading Prizes:

🥇1st place: $1,200

🥈2nd: $900

🥉3rd: $600

4–53th (next 50 users): $60

How to win:

  1. Sign in to your KyberSwap account via email, FB, Google, Twitter, or Telegram. No KYC needed!
  2. Perform a token swap, with one of the tokens being BAND (any token → BAND or BAND → any token);
  3. Trading amount will be converted to ETH, and for every ETH, the user will be awarded 1 point. Up to 4 decimal places;
  4. User must be logged in to KyberSwap in order to accumulate points. No KYC needed.

BIG tip: Just hold 2,000 KNC in your wallet to get 20% more bonus points for every BAND trade.

Click here to participate in this contest.

BONUS $300: Win even more by retweeting about this contest

10 lucky Twitter winners will also gain $30 each!

To win:

  • Follow Band Protocol and KyberSwap on Twitter
  • Retweet our pinned tweet about the BAND trading contest
  • Tag 3 friends in the comments, with the hashtag #SwapBAND

Duration: 07 April 21:00 to 21 April 23:59 (GMT+8).

*Winners will be randomly selected

About Band Protocol

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that aggregates and connects real-world data to smart contracts. Blockchains are great at immutable storage and deterministic, verifiable computations — however, they cannot access trusted real-world information available outside the networks. Band Protocol enables smart contract applications such as DeFi, prediction markets, and games to be built on-chain without relying on the single point of failure of a centralized oracle. Band Protocol is backed by a strong network of stakeholders including Sequoia Capital, one of the top venture capital firms in the world, and the leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance.

Band Protocol 2.0, introduces BandChain, a high-performance blockchain built purely for oracle computations to accommodate user-defined data requests and support various data oracles on multiple blockchains. The BandChain is fully compatible with Cosmos SDK and the IBC standard, making it one of the most flexible and cross-chain compatible oracle solutions in the blockchain space. Band Protocol collaborators include bZx, Elrond, Certik, Wanchain, Tomochain, Troy, AirSwap, Fantom and Kava.

Band Protocol offers the following features:

  • Decentralized & Community Curated Solution
    Band Protocol adopts a community-curated approach whereby anyone is able to stake BAND tokens to participate and fetch data for data requesters and earn block rewards.
  • High Throughput & Latency
    By having an independent blockchain built specifically for oracles, heavy computations such as data sourcing and aggregation are offloaded from any target blockchain (i.e. Ethereum) to streamline data requests and mitigate any network congestions issues.
  • Flexible & Customizable Data Query
    Band Protocol enables the creation of a data request script where decentralized applications have full flexibility in defining how the data they need is sourced and aggregated. Hence, data feeds can be consumed safely whether through any developer-defined method such as median, time-weighted, volume-weighted moving average.
  • Secure Connections to High-Quality Data
    BandChain enables on-demand data query from any traditional open API and will be able to facilitate cross-chain payment for permissioned oracle data from private or credentialed APIs which deliver premium data.
  • Cross-Chain Compatibility
    With a key focus on being blockchain-agnostic and established partners such as Fantom, Kava, Tomochain and more — Band Protocol seamlessly connects to any other blockchain through bridge contracts or Cosmos-based blockchain through IBC.

Band Token

BAND is the native token used to secure Band Protocol’s high-performance oracle blockchain and used as a medium of exchange for query fees for private APIs or APIs under a paywall. Individuals can stake BAND to contribute to sourcing and aggregating data for data requesters in return for block rewards. Band Protocol has onboarded a cohort of reputable block validators such as Stake.fish, Chorus One, Cosmostation and more for token holders to safely delegate their tokens.

For more information on Band Protocol

