Get to Your Destination with Understanding and Action

VEON Careers
Kyivstar Careers
Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2018


What’s one thing in your life that you haven’t done but want to do?

You’re probably getting excited just thinking about it. Why not start working towards doing it?

For Marta, a call center representative at Kyivstar, that thing has always been traveling to Venice.

“I’ve dreamed of traveling to Venice since I was young,” says Marta. “This year, I’m really going to make a plan to go. It’s something I feel I must do.”

Now, that’s determination. During our awesome talk with Marta, we learn a lot more about how you can get to your destination (i.e. continually improve and achieve goals).

Let’s begin…

What did you learn from your first job?

I worked at a shopping center while in university. It was so I could have spending money. I didn’t stay there long because I realized there would be more time later to work.

Here’s what I learned: When you’re young, just enjoy life. You’ll naturally figure out what you want to do and then you’ll be motivated to work on yourself and improve.

Why did you join Kyivstar?

I worked at a call center before Kyivstar, but I wanted more room for development.

“I came to Kyivstar because there’s a chance to broaden your horizons and learn more here. I wanted the chance to improve and do new things — and Kyivstar has provided just that.”

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned from a customer?

Let me tell you a story: One day, a customer called up and was furious. He was very disrespectful. I decided to stay calm and patiently worked with him to address his problem. He actually apologized at the end of the call and thanked me for the help.

“This taught me the importance of finding ways to understand someone. I always try to find the psychologist inside myself, not only because I love psychology but also because it helps me see what customers need to solve their issues.”

I firmly believe psychology and customer service are incredibly interconnected. Like psychologists, we must listen, have empathy, and use positive language to improve outcomes for those we serve.

With the team

How do you get inspiration or learn from your colleagues?

While we take many calls individually, we constantly communicate and share experiences. We have a first line for standard issues and a second line for complex ones. It’s a friendly atmosphere, which makes it easy for colleagues to ask one another for help.

So, we’ve built a knowledge base and have established clear communication channels. This enables us to come up with solutions quickly, even for complex cases.

Describe your team in 3 hashtags.

#Dreamteam, #Professional, #Readytohelp

What will the impact of 4G be in Ukraine?

As a country, this is a logical step. We’re moving fast as we develop our technology infrastructure. 4G in Ukraine will open up new opportunities for our clients and other entrepreneurs to develop new projects, as well as enhance the lives of those throughout the country.

At the Kyivstar call center, we have experience with the 3G launch. We’re ready to support the exciting launch of 4G. It should go even more smoothly.

Getting personal

Now, let’s get to some personal questions. What book are you reading and what has it taught you?

I’m reading a book by Stephen Covey called, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

What the book has taught me is how to achieve success. You don’t sit down and wait for it to come. You set goals, make a plan, act, learn along the way, and stay persistent.

What person in history inspires you?

Helen Keller. She lost her sight and hearing at 19 months due to illness. But that didn’t stop her from doing amazing things. Her parents got her professional help as a child, and she learned to read and write. She actually graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College. As an adult, she gave lectures at universities, wrote books, met presidents, and so much more.

Helen Keller shows us people can overcome limitations, even serious physical ones, if they don’t let fear conquer them. It’s a matter of working hard and going for it. She has a tremendously important place in history.

Speaking of not letting fear stop you, do you have any fears?

I find spiders unpleasant. But who doesn’t?

Anyway, I’ve made a point to not let fear get in the way of what I do, like Helen Keller. Fear doesn’t benefit you; it only holds you back.

What’s the best advice you’ve heard?

During training, a new employee was having trouble explaining a customer issue to a colleague. She tried a few times and it simply wasn’t making sense.

A trainer stepped in and said, “What we do isn’t like explaining magic. Take time to isolate and understand the problem. Then, put it in clear, direct terms. You must be able to understand something so good that you can identify and explain issues efficiently.”

To me, this wasn’t just insightful for our jobs at the call center, but also to our lives. Understanding others can take you a long way in life.

What’s your earliest memory?

When I was two and out with my father, I got lost. Someone found me crying and took me over to a police car nearby. I got to sit in the car, which was awesome because they gave me biscuits.

My aunt later showed up and I amusingly said I didn’t know her. Then, my mom came and we went home. I remember it vividly because the experience went from scary and fun to relieving — a lot of emotions involved.

What’s your favorite band?

Linkin Park! I used to listen to them all the time but not as much anymore.

The reason I love Linkin Park is because they have their own new style they’ve just embraced. They just go for it. As one article said, they brought the “collision of hard rock and hip-hop to its commercial and aesthetic peak.”

Final question. Where do you see yourself in a few years?

I will stay with Kyivstar as long as I have the possibility to improve myself. I will always go where I feel I can grow the most and achieve my dreams.

Thank you, Marta!

That concludes our interview. Hopefully, you learned a lot about Marta on how you can continually improve and reach your desired destination. Go out and enjoy the ride.

