New Year’s Marketing Resolutions for 2018
Ushering in the new year is always a pleasure — champagne, celebrating it with good people etc., but have you considered where good marketing direction could help your business? Maybe you’re a solo-preneur or ride the corporate wave — all hold the same potential to beef up their numbers. By having a plan in place, your company will reap all of the benefits that come with having a solid marketing campaign. Let’s get into these new year’s marketing resolutions for 2018.
If you’re truly trying to grow your business, here’s what you SHOULD NOT be doing…
- sticking to a broken system
- selling yourself short
- making it rain into the wrong pockets
Expect to put consistent time and effort in to maintaining and improving your business.
Try to come up with micro-resolutions or goals that could make a difference for your business. For instance, you may have things like ‘get company car’s tire checked out’ or ‘order more business cards’. I’ll give you some time to do this…
Now that you’ve got these down, resolutions aren’t so bad, right? Let’s get into the bigger stuff. Here are just a few achievable marketing resolutions that could make all the difference for your business in 2018.
Learn something about marketing once a month
We’re in the age of Medium, where you have RSS feeds and apps that make listening to books super easy. Think of terms that come up in marketing conversations that you want to explore further. Try attending a workshop or seminar if you’re looking for a true human interaction.
Remember that you don’t necessarily have to try to learn everything about marketing all at once. You do, however, owe it to yourself to continuously learn. Pick a different marketing topic for each month, then determine your preferred learning method. Join a mastermind where all the pros mingle and exchange business advice.
Commit to Content
People can detect when you don’t know what you’re talking about, and when you have good content that pairs well with visuals, you’re cookin’. If you have bad copy that you haven’t touched since ’96, and need a copywriter to swoop in for a refresh, I may have a spot for you in the new year - book me here.
I was on the phone with someone this afternoon who told me that design is nothing without copy, and I think he was on to something. Copy — good copy is everything. If you don’t want a complete re-do all at once, consider hiring a copywriter who gives you the flexibility to work on writing projects by the page. Tag line to white papers, all of those words make a difference. Attract your customers with a message they can’t forget.
Test your traction monthly
Try perpetually dialing into your brand. Don’t sleep on your numbers. There’s always a reason for bounce rates and acquisition; your job is to make sure that you’re moving in a good direction by comparing, assessing, and taking appropriate action. Unless you already have a team, you’re probably juggling a little bit of everything *raises hand* so see where your strengths lie and consider borrowing a professional for that will create content that converts.
Plan networking events and when you hear about a workshop, book it! Don’t hesitate unless it’s beyond financial means. When you book appointments, stick to them. Don’t budge unless you have to. Once you make your resolutions, write them down in big letters and put them up where you’ll see them every day. Tell a few buddies so they won’t let you forget.
One more tip for you…
Invest in yourself. Learn from your marketing mistakes and get help when you’ve gone through 12 different versions of tag lines to no avail — and pleeeassee stop hiring these robots to write your copy!
Want some help with making your copy stand out in 2018? Tell me more about your project here.