I could only hear Mandarin voices, as the Peralta delegates — my 20 best friends or worst enemies for…
We’re not writing this to the readers of the Laney Tower. We’re writing to its future writers — which is to say, we’re writing to you. You know your…
Whether thought of as a beloved institution, a blight on the neighborhood, or a lifeline for those who counted on it for survival, Alliance Metals…
Aug. 16: French athletes Beatrice Edwige and Siraba Dembele embrace in…
I appreciate the Laney Tower’s attempt to humanize a problem many would rather ignore. The paper took many steps forward in defining the problems that create homelessness, but failed to deliver a coherent story that…
Many classes at Laney College and at the other three colleges in the district are under-enrolled. Peralta Community College District’s enrollment has…
As we dig into each new academic year, our faculty throughout the Peralta district must perform many tasks involving the enrollment database, including managing enrollment, deciding whether to add students to seemingly full classes, and setting up “rollbooks” and grading…
Keep Oakland Beautiful application deadline for grants on Sept. 6Apply for a small grant in the amount of $500 to $800 for any project that aims to clean and beautify Oakland parks, creeks, or streets; application available at keepoaklandbeautiful.org