Stitching Files in latakoo

latakoo support
latakoo learning
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2017

How to create one file from multiple clips uploaded to

Managing Raw Camera Files

One of the drawbacks of today’s digital cameras is the number of clips generated in a single video shoot. In order to manage those files, latakoo created a patented process called stitching.

Selecting Stitching In the latakoo Flight app

The stitching feature is enabled when video files are uploaded from your local computer or iOS device with the Flight application. Select Group-Stitch from the Upload menu at the top of the application.

The Group-Stitch selection will stitch files together that are placed in the Flight app.

Once Group-Stitch is selected, you can drop several files or an entire camera folder into the app. If a folder structure is placed in the application, the files will be extracted from the folder configuration created by the camera. Read a breakdown on how to import folders into the latakoo app from different types of cameras.

Once the files are brought into the Flight application, you can adjust the settings of the stitched file by clicking on the Stitch Settings button at the top of the app. That will reveal a dialogue box where you can a)rename the stitch and b)select whether you want the clips ordered with timecode. Click OK to close the box.

Stitch Settings button reveals settings of your stitched file.

Then, select your encode and compression settings. Because latakoo is creating one continuous file, all the segments must be encoded to the same codec and bitrate. That’s why it’s not possible to stitch uncompressed files in the application. Whatever settings you select for one clip will be applied to all of the files. Finally, select your network and click start.

When the files begin to process, the application will show a “S” in the far right corner of the application, indicating they are part of a stitched file.

Stitching in the latakoo Flight Mobile app

Stitching is also available In the latakoo Flight app for mobile devices. It works the same way, allowing the user to select and order the video clips to be uploaded individually and stitched together in the cloud.

First, select the library icon from your latakoo Mobile app menu.

Then, select “Stitch” from the top of the app.

Select the files in the order you want them to appear in the stitched file. Click “Send” and complete the upload, choosing the name of the stitched file, the quality and the destination network.

Downloading Stitched Files

In Pilot, the default for downloading stitched files will be as one, continuous file. Just like downloading other files, you can select a .mp4 download with your browser or send the file to the Flight application to encode in another codec or file type.

It is possible to download the individual files as well through the video dashboard. To reveal this feature, click on the name of the file, then click on number of pieces related to the file in parentheses. Click on each file name to reveal that segment. From the video dashboard, select the download icon to download just that segment.

It’s possible to see and download each segment related to a stitched file, if necessary.

A note about transcription

At this time, each segment of a stitched file can be transcribed, but the transcriptions will not create one document. Stay tuned for this coming feature.

To learn more about latakoo and workflows, contact our sales team or join our How to latakoo training.

