Cross-Country Adventure

It was August 1999, and I was sitting in the cockpit of a single-seat glider, a Czech-produced model called a Junior. The only sound was the murmur of a slight breeze blowing over the aircraft, and the aircraft was tipped slightly, the end of one long wing resting gently on the grass…

What is it like to be in a plane crash?

I answered the question “What is it like to be in a plane crash?” on Quora today. My answer is a slightly different perspective on what I’ve already written about as I tried to describe what it was like to go through the experience in a more factual and concise way than the story I’ve told here.

Late Night Press
Late Night Press
This is a collection of my writing and experiences, originally stemming from a 2010 travel blog I called “Latitude -44″, a name that alluded to the home base of my travels in New Zealand.
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