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We are a Mumbai based venture capital fund actively investing in consumer tech companies. We help early stage companies build world class teams and products.
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“Everybody Pivots!”

There’s a moment during the season 1 finale of “Silicon Valley” when the founders of Pied Piper (the fictional company at the center of the show) realize their company might die. “We’re going to be poor,” one of them cries. But then out of nowhere, in true Hollywood style, the founder saves…

Fit & healthy

Handling a downturn has very little to do with what you do when the downturn starts, but a lot more to do with how you built during the boom. At the start of a downturn, if you’re asking “What do I do now?” It’s probably too late.

Count to ten before getting on the treadmill

Raising capital is a momentous occasion for any company. As a venture capitalist, it’s a hard thing to admit, but we really are an entrepreneur’s last option for capital. By the time they reach our door, they have typically tried at least three other…