William Shatner Taught Us the Art of Manhood — Now He Shows All the Best Ways to Age — And Die

Why we stand in line to meet TV legend William Shatner (he’s now 92) one last time

Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture


William Shatner is now 92 today on March 22— so we stood in line to be with him — one last time. He’s not dying — except we’re all dying, and 92 is closer than most.
William Shatner at Loyal Studios Star Trek Behind the Scenes. Photo by Bob Bekian via Wikimedia Commons.

William Shatner is now 92 — so we stood in line to be with him — one last time.

He’s not dying — except we’re all dying, and 92 is closer than most.

The line of 1,610 people (sold out) stretched in every direction around a big city block holding the 95-year-old Redford Theatre just outside of Detroit.

We wanted to honor the man we grew up with, the star of Star Trek, T.J. Hooker, Boston Legal (and more).

“Conquest is easy. Control is not," Shatner explained in Star Trek’s “Mirror, Mirror” episode.

Shatner never stops: He’s always working, always writing, singing, riding horses — always living life to its fullest, showing us how to keep going. At 92. But he’s been teaching us about aging, death, and dying for decades.

Nerds and weirdos were everywhere — so I must now confess: I’m one of them. We quote Shatner the way earlier generations quoted Shakespeare, poetry — or the Bible.

We are Generation X, the least-parented generation of all time, the first children of widespread…



Joseph Serwach
Leadership Culture

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership