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Leafy Code Blog
Hi, we are a team of Sri Lanka based developers designing and developing web sites, complex web apps and more…
How to Install Ruby on Rails 4 in Linux
How to Install Ruby on Rails 4 in Linux
Yesterday we talked about the advantages of using Ruby on Rails. After reading it, some of you might want to get started right away. So…
Pubudu Kodikara
Dec 5, 2015
Why I ditched PHP for Ruby on Rails
Why I ditched PHP for Ruby on Rails
Currently my language of choice is Ruby on Rails. But before going for Rails I did my stuff in PHP. Even worked with it for some time…
Pubudu Kodikara
Dec 5, 2015
Welcome to Leafy Code!
Welcome to Leafy Code!
Hello everyone! Today we are releasing LeafyCode.com to the public! Leafy Code is a web development firm trying to make a change in the…
Pubudu Kodikara
Dec 5, 2015
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