How to Build Your Own Cryptocurrency (PoS) in Just a Few Minutes

#9 — A step by step guide to build a Proof of Stake cryptocurrency with its own blockchain

Learning Lab


Screen generator, the tool that will help us to generate a coin!

Do you want to create the future of money? Do you want to build a local currency for your city? Do you want to track the assets of your company? Do you want to add blockchain to your existing product? or just want to experiment building a cryptocurrency with its own blockchain? If so, this article is for you! I will explain a quick way to build a proof of stake cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain. It’s simple and very quick 🚀!

This article is part of my Learning challenge where I learn about one topic each month. As you can imagine, this month, I was learning about blockchain & cryptocurrencies. I based this studies on a Coursera MOOC, a few articles, some whitepapers and the building of my own Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency and Coin Generator. Click here, if you want to know more about my methodology.

Define the coin

Before starting to create your coin you should define its purpose and identity.

The purpose

What problem are you solving? A coin needs to solve a problem, it needs a



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