Quitting Jobs for Self Motivation

Bryant Wong
2 min readSep 28, 2017

My experience leaving work to feel happier.

I quit my job.

I know it sounds counterproductive to improve self-motivation by taking away an outlet for it but maybe the outlet itself was the problem.

In this article Arti Patel Describes a career switch which leads to higher happiness and passion for work.

She seems to describe the outlet and what she was doing as the problem so maybe this could be a problem for me as well.

At work, I had problems with motivation and feeling excited to do what I was supposed to. Long story on why that is but I’ll stick to what I’m actually going to do.

So Instead of working, I’ll try to focus my motivation to new job search and schoolwork and maybe that new outlet will make it easier to work and feel self-motivated.

Here’s How it went:

The first few days:

After I put in my 2-week notice I immediately felt a sense of relief. I knew I was still going to do have to work but I felt relieved that I don’t have to go back to the same place to work.

The next few days:

After the first few days, it felt difficult to get back into work because I felt used to relaxing instead of actually putting my full efforts into school work but I still felt better than I did before.

Though I’m not doing as much I feel happier to do work because I know I’m doing it for myself.

A few days later:

Working is getting easier now that I gave myself set times to work and adapt. I still feel very happy to do work because I know it’s going to benefit myself. If an email from an employer comes in or a decent grade I know I was because of me.

Would I recommend switching jobs:

Yes! I know many people don’t have this luxury and need jobs for money but I if you do have a chance to switch take advantage of the opportunity.

Arora, A. (2016, November 6).Starting From Scratch: Pulling Off a Career Switch. [Blog Post] Retrieved from https://medium.com

