10 tips for students going to NICAR16

NICAR16 will be the third NICAR that I have attended as a student — thanks Knight Lab! — and over the last couple years I’ve learned a few tips and tricks for how to get the most out of your time at the conference. The NICAR community is really welcoming —…

How I built my first mobile app scraper

Scraping web pages is a well documented process. There are plenty of guides on how to pull information using plugins like Python’s Beautiful Soup or browser extensions like Kimono. Many web applications even provide public APIs for gathering information, such…

How I got my journalism project funded in 10 easy steps

NOTE: Originally published on knightlab.northwestern.edu by Jordan Young.

International Women’s Day is always inspiring and encouraging. But this past March 8, was even more special. That’s the day I found…

Learn: Journalism + Tech
Learn: Journalism + Tech
Lessons learned working at the intersection of journalism and technology, written by Northwestern University Knight Lab student fellows and staff
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