19 February: Use your own water bottle

The facts on water bottles are tragic.

  • Around the world, people buy a total of 1 million plastic bottles per minute.
  • 91% of them are not recycled.
  • The average plastic bottle takes 400…

21 February: Reduce food waste

Approximately one-third of the food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted every year, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization.

Although this loss happens everywhere, it is not evenly distributed. Consumers in wealthy…

23 February: Ditch Plastic

In Pope Francis’ 2016 message for the World Day for Care of Creation, which is also celebrated in the Anglican Communion, among the members of the World Council of Churches, and in many other faith traditions, the pope renewed his plea that we “avoid the use of plastic.”

26 February: Nurture nature

Rich soil is the basis for successful food production and a beautiful example of the connectedness of all life in our common home. Soil is a complex ecosystem of organisms and nutrients, and the health of that system significantly affects the garden plants that grow in it…

Lenten Fast for Creation 2018
Lenten Fast for Creation 2018
Lenten Fast
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